by Giuseppe STILO - CISU, Commissione FLA, Italy
Last revision: January 7, 2002. Number of entries: 726.Notes:
In the following bibliography, with the aim to semplify the indexing system, are listed works dealing with the so-called "Earth Lights" hypothesis or "terrain-related light phenomena"- as the english researcher Paul Devereux put it alternatively, and also works dealing with the more ambiguous "Ghost Lights". No reference is in general made to works regarding more specifically TST (Tectonic Stress Theory) and EQL (Earthquake Lights).In the same way, because of their autonomous relevance, bibliographical entries concerning the Hessdalen (Norway) phenomena are listed under a separate file by Renzo Cabassi [Italian Committee for Project Hessdalen]&emdash; CISU, section of Bologna.
The identyfing codes of the sources consists of three parts:
- a general progressive number.
- the first letter of the language in which the source is written (D: German; E: English; F: French; I: Italian; L: Latin; R: Russian; S: Spanish; W: Swedish).
- the year in which the source has been published, following a scheme of this kind: NNN L YYYY.
Marked with an asterisk (*) documents in possession of Giuseppe Stilo - CISU, section of Florence.
Di Giuseppe STILO - CISU, Commissione FLA, Italia
Ultima revisione: 7 gennaio 2002. Numero delle voci: 726.Nota:
Nella bibliografia che segue, allo scopo di semplificare il sistema di indicizzazione, sono elencate le opere che affrontano l'ipotesi delle cosiddette "Earth Lights" o dei "fenomeni luminosi legati al terreno" - come le definisce il ricercatore inglese Paul Devereux - ed anche quelle che si occupano delle più ambigue "luci fantasma". In generale, non vi sono riferimenti a lavori che riguardino in maniera più specifica la TST (Teoria dello Stress Tettonico) e le EQL (Luci Sismiche).
Allo stesso modo, a causa della loro rilevanza autonoma, gli ingressi bibliografici riguardanti i fenomeni di Hessdalen (Norvegia) sono riportati a parte in una bibliografia redatta da Renzo Cabassi, della sede CISU di Bologna.I codici d'identificazione delle fonti consistono di tre parti:
- un numero progressivo generale.
- la prima lettera della lingua in cui la fonte è redatta (D: tedesco; E: inglese; F: francese; I: italiano; L: latino; R: russo; S: spagnolo; W: svedese).
- l'anno in cui la fonte e' stata pubblicata. L'insieme secondo uno schema del tipo: NNN (numero progressivo) L (lingua) YYYY (anno).
Le fonti con asterisco (*) sono in possesso di Giuseppe Stilo - CISU, sezione di Firenze.
1500 702 L 1518 Pietro [Colonna] Galatino [OFM], De arcanis
catholice veritatis, impressun in Orthone maris, XV februari 1518 apud
Hyeronimus Soncini * (The so-called "colophon" of
this ancient volume published in Ortona, on the Adriatic coast of Italy
in 1518, reports a note possibly by the publisher, the hebrew
tipoghapher Hyeronimus Soncini, in which for the first time is
documented a mysterious "light", eventually locally known as "Il lume di
San Tommaso" which was said to be seen over the Ortona cathedral,
especially during thunderstorms) 001 L 1650-1740 Scotto or Scotti, Phys. Cur., published
between 1650 and 1740, lib. 11, cap. 10, n. 11, f. 1211, and Scotto or
Scotti, Magia univers. Par. 4, lib. 2, cap. 6, f. 149, published in the
same period, Italy (Ignes fatui in Mineo,
Sicily) 454 E 1685 Crouch, Nathaniel, The English Empire in
America, 1685, pp. … (The "corpse candles"
tradition in North America. Cit. in 391) 002 L 1692 Bottone, Domenico, Pyrologia topographica,
id est dissertatio de igne iuxta loca cum eorum descritione, Neapoli,
1692, lib. 1, pp. … (Ignes fatui in a Messina,
Sicily, church's graveyard, and in other places. A copy can be found in
the Florence, Italy, National Central Library, Catalogo Magliabechiano
IL. 7. 260) 004 E 1704 Newton, Isaac, Opticks - Questions 8 and 10,
London, 1704, it. trans.: Scritti di Ottica, Torino, UTET,
1978. 005 E 1729 Of the Meteor called the Ignis Fatuus, from
Observations made in England, by the Reverend Mr. W. Derham, F. R. S.
and Others in Italy, communicated by Sir Tho. Dereham, Bart, F. R. S.,
in "Transactions of the Royal Philosophical Society", London 1729, pp.
204-209 * 003 I 1729 Vallisneri, Antonio, Tre lettere del signor
cav. Antonio Vallineri sopra alcune cose di storia naturale e di
medicina, in Calogerà Antonio (ed.), Raccolta di opuscoli scientifici, e
filologici. Tomo Secondo. In Venezia, appresso Cristoforo Zane, 1729,
pp. 3-49 * (One of these "lettere" concerns the
alleged relationships between ignes fatui and a case of spontaneus human
combustion occured in Milan, Italy, and another a "scarafaggio lucente"
&emdash; a "fiery bug" which, according to the Author, was falsely
linked to a series of fires and flames coming out misteriously from the
soil in the italian region of Veneto) 006 I 1734 Beccari, Iacopo Bartolomeo, Lettera al cav.
Tommaso Derham intorno la meteora chiamata "foco fatuo", in Saggio delle
transizioni filosofiche della Società Regia dall'anno 1720 fino a tutto
l'anno 1730, tradotta da T. Derham, Naples, 1734 007 I 1742 Mongitore, Antonino, Della Sicilia
Ricercata, Tomo Primo, Palermo, 1742, pp. 353-356 (Some pages dedicated to stars, "fuochi in aria" (aerial fires),
ignes fatui e "meteore ignee precedenti a' terremoti" (fiercy meteors
preceding earthquakes) * 384 I 1753 Audrich, Everardo, Egloghe filosofiche ed
altri poetici componimenti ne' quali si spiegano varie delle più celebri
opinioni della moderna fisica, Florence, Giovan Paolo Giovannelli, 1753,
pp. 112 (Includes 26 chapters in poetry, generally
concerning scientific problems: Moon, comets, the sea, planets Jupiter
and Mercury, but a chapter deals with "fuochi fatui") 659 I 17?? Casanova, Giacomo, Storia della mia vita,
Italy, published in the second half of the 17th century, …
* (A personal narrative of a pyramidal flame which
follows the Author through a rural area) 352 E 1807-32 Humboldt, Alexander von, Personal
Narrative, vol. IV, p. 254, note, published between 1807 and 1832
("Lights" on the river Catatumbo, Venezuela. Cit. in
199) 008 D 1814 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, Dichtung und
Wahrheit, 6 Bd., 1814 (A witness account by the
celebrated german writer about an Ignes Fatui-like phenomenon observed
in 1768. Cit. in Fiebag, Johannes, 1993) 009 E 1819 Meteoric Phenomenon called the Lantern of
Maracaybo, in "Edinburgh Philosophical Journal", vol. 1, 1819, p.
424 (On the luminous phenomena of Catatumbo river.
Cit. in 222, p. 175) 425 E 1820 Ignis Fatuus, in "Kirby's Wonderful &
Eccentric Museum", England, vol. 6, 1820, pp. 263-269 * (Ignes Fatui in Italy and their causes) 010 E 1822 Meteoric Fire in the Marsh of the
Chapelle-aux-Planches, in "Edinburgh Philosophical Journal", vol. 6,
1822, p. 381 (Luminous phenomena in a french marshy
area. Cit. in 222, p. 175) 011 I 1828 Orioli, Francesco, Delle combustioni umane
spontanee del corpo umano, ed in occasione di ciò de' fuochi lambenti,
de' fuochi fatui e delle combustioni in generale. Lettera del professore
F. Orioli ad un amico, Bologna, 1828, pp. 12 * 012 E 1829 Mitchell, John, Observations on Ignis
Fatuus, in "American Journal of Science", vol. 1, n. 16, 1829, p.
246 (Anomalous lights on the Connecticut River.
Cit. in 222, p. 175) 013 E 1829 Mitchell, John, Observations on Ignis
Fatuus, in "Journal of the Franklin Institute", vol. 8, 1829, p.
73 (Anomalous light on the Connecticut River.
Citato in 222, p. 175) 014 E 1832 Blesson, L., Observations on the Ignis
Fatuus, in "Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal", vol. 14, 1832, p.
90 (Ignes fatui in the Newmark, Germany, area. Cit.
in 222, p. 175) 351 E 1832 Brewster, Sir David, Letters on Natural
Magic, new York, J. & J. Harper, 1832, pp. 296-7 ("Lights" of River Catatumbo, Venezuela. Cit. in 199) 015 E 1833 Blesson, L., Observations on the Ignis
Fatuus, in "Journal of the Franklin Institute", vol. 15, 1833, p.
408 (Ignes fatui in the Newmark, Germany, area Cit.
in 222, p. 175) 016 E 1833 Blesson, L., …, in "Entomological Magazine",
1:353, 1833 433 E 1835 The Will o' Wisp, in "The Mirror of
Literature, Amusement and Instruction", vol. 25, 11 April 1835, pp.
233-234 * (An encounter with a EL/IF in Shrewsbury,
England) 533 D 1835 Mohr, Beobachtung eines St. Elms-Feuers, in
"Annalen der Physik und Chemie", Leipzig, voll XXXIV, 1835, n. 2, pp.
370-373 * (SE in Germany) 017 E 1836 Luminous Appearance at Sea off the Shetland
Isles, in "Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal", vol. 22, 1836, p.
191 587 E 1837 Traill, William, St'Elmo's Fire Seen in
Orkney, in "Franklin Institute, Journal", 24:362, 1837 (Large-Scale St. Elmos' Fire. Cit. in 222) 018 E 1837 Main, J., …in "Magazine of Natural History",
vol. 1, 1837, p. 548 019 E 1837 White, W. H., Weissenborn, W., Ignis Fatuus,
in "Magazine of Natural History", vol. 1, 1837, p. 551 020 E 1837 Chambers, R. … in "Magazine of Natural
History", vol. 1, 1837, p. 353 596 E 1837 Traill, William, St. Elmo's Fire Seen in
Orkney, in "Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal", 23:220, 1837
(Large-Scale St. Elmos' Fire. Cit. in 222) 021 D 1838 Bessel, F. W., Giebt es Irrilicher?, in
"Annalen der Physik und Chemie", Leipzig, vol. XXXXIV, 1838, n. 6, pp.
366-368 * (IF seen in Germany) 534 D 1839 von Zibra, Ernst, Elsmsfeuer und
Erd-Erschütterungen in Franken, in "Annalen der Physik und Chemie",
Leipzig, vol. XXXXVI, 1839, n. 4, pp. 655-658 * (IF
seen in Germany) 535 D 1839 St. Elmsfeuer auf den Orkney-Inseln, in
"Annalen der Physik und Chemie", Leipzig, vol. XXXXVI, 1839, n. 4, pp.
659-660 * (SE in Great Britain) 536 D 1840 Irrlichter?, in "Annalen der Physik und
Chemie", Leipzig, vol. LI, 1840, n. 9, pp. 173-174 * (IF in France) 022 I 1841 Filopanti Barilli, Quirico, Sui Fuochi
Fatui. Nota del dott. Quirico Barilli Filopanti, letta all'Accademia
delle Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna, in "Annali di Fisica, Chimica e
Matematiche", Milano, Società Tipografica de' Classici Italiani, vol.
III, July, August and September 1841, pp. 36 &emdash;39 * 022 D 1842 Poggendorff, J.C., Ueber Irrlichter, in
"Annalen der Physik und Chemie", Leipzig, vol. LVI, 1842, pp. 350
&emdash;352 * (A summary and comment of the
1841 work by Quirico Filopanti) 023 E 1843 Ignis Fatuus, in "Edinburgh New
Philosophical Journal", vol. 34, 1843, p. 383 (Ignes fatui in Bologna, Italy, as reported by Quirico
Filopanti. Cit. in 222, p. 175) 024 E 1843 West, Charles, E., Notice of Certain
Siliceous Tubes (Fulgerites) Formed in the Earth, in "American Journal
of Science" , 1:45:220, 1843 025 E 1846 Mahon, Viscount, …, in "Proceedings of the
Royal Society", vol. 5, 1846, p. 627 434 E 1846 Milner, Thomas, The Gallery of Nature,
London, W. S. Orr & Co., 1846 * (Ignes Fatui in
Gorbitz Forest, Germany. Cfr. 015) 537 D 1851 Piper, Ferdinand, Das St. Elmsfeuer, in
"Annalen der Physik und Chemie", Leipzig, vol. LXXXII, 1851, n. 2, pp.
317&emdash; 326 * (A comprehensive presentation
of the literature on SE) 026 D 1851 Galle, J. G., Beobachtungen von Irrlichten,
in "Annalen der Physik und Chemie", Leipzig, vol. LXXXII, 1851, n. 4,
pp. 593-595 * (IF sightings in Germany) 027 D 1853 Knorr, E., Beobachtung eines Irrlichts, in
"Annalen der Physik und Chemie", Leipzig, vol. LXXXIX, 1853, n. 8, pp.
620-625 * (IF sightings in Ukraine) 574 E 1854 Mont Blanc on Fire, in "Scientific
American", 10:82, 1854 (Mountain-Top Glows. Cit. in
222) 538 D 1857 Irrlicht-Beobachtungen, in "Annalen der
Physik und Chemie", Leipzig, vol. CI, 1857, n. 5, pp. 158-160 *
(IF sightings in Germany) 028 E 1858 Curious Phenomenon, in "Scientific
American", 13:318, 1858 597 E 1858 Brown, Jabez, …, in "Report of the British
Association", 1858, p. 156 (Electrified Light
Patches. Cit. in 222) 029 D 1859 Looff, Schulrath., Eine
Irrlicht-Beobachtung, in "Annalen der Physik und Chemie", Leipzig, vol.
CVIII, 1859, n. 12, pp. 656-658 * (IF in
Germany) 030 E 1860 Optical Illusion on Lake Erie, in
"Scientific American", 3:123, 1860 539 D 1861 Kleefeld, Alwin, Eine Beobachtung des
Sanct-Elmsfeuer, in "Annalen der Physik und Chemie", Leipzig, vol. CXII,
1861, n. 4, pp. 643-644 * (SE sighting in
Germany) 609 F 1863 Poey, M. A., Sur le passage d'une quantité
considerable de globules lumineux…, in "Comptes Rendus", 56:88,
1863 (Luminous Aerial Bubbles. Cit. in
222) 618 E 1865 Phosphorescence in Connection with Storms
and Diseases, in "English Mechanic", 2:21, 1865 (Enhanced Rock Luminosity. Cit. in 222) 031 E 1869 The Caspian Sea on Fire, in "Eclectic
Magazine", 10:380, 1869 594 E 1869 Extraordinary Phenomenon, in "Scientific
American", 21:231, 1869 (Large-Scale St. St.Elmo's
Fires. Cit. in 222) 595 E 1869 Extraordinary Phenomenon, in "Eclectic
Magazine", 10:507, 1869 (Large-Scale St. St.Elmo's
Fires. Cit. in 222) 032 F 1872 Flammarion, Camille, L'Atmosphere, Paris,
1872, pp. … (Various pages dedicated to Saint
Elmo's Fires) 033 E 1872 …, in "Nature", 6:270, 1872 034 E 1873 Fox, Howard, Will-o'-the-Wisps, in "Nature",
7:222, 23 January 1873 540 D 1873 Lorscheid, S., St. Elmsfeuer in Münster, in
"Annalen der Physik und Chemie", Leipzig, vol. CXLIX, 1873, n. 7, pp.
431-432 * (SE sighting in Germany) 568 E 1874 Lemstrom, Selim, Observations upon the
Electricity of the Atmosphere and the Aurora Borealis,…, in "Smithsonian
Institution Annual Report, 1874", pp. 227-238, 1875 (Mountain-Top Glows. Cit. in 222) 035 E 1875 Strange Lights in Wales, in "Notes and
Queries", London, 8th Series, vol. 3, p. 306, April 17, 1875
* (ELs seen in Carnarvornshire) 616 E 1875 …, in "Nature", 12:447, 1875 (Enhanced Rock Luminosity. Cit. in 222) 036 E 1876 Lake, J. J., Beaded Lightning, in "English
Mechanic", 24:234, 1876 (On Saint Elmo's Fires.
Cit. in 222) 270 I 1876? Buccelli, title unknown, Italy, 1876?, pp.
107-109 (In a primary school textbook, generalities
about IF and SE) 610 E 1877 …, in "English Mechanic", 25:132,
1877 (Luminous Aerial Bubbles. Cit. in
222) 037 E 1877 Notes on Electrical Phenomena, in "English
Mechanic", 25:435, 1877 (On Saint Elmo's Fires.
Cit. in 222) 038 E 1879 ..., in "English Mechanic", vol. 29, 1879,
p. 622 (St. Elmo's Fires. Cit. in 222) 590 E 1879 The Fires of St. Elmo, in "Scientific
American", 41:234, 1879 (Large-Scale St. Elmo's
Fire. Cit. in 222) 589 E 1879 …, in "Nature", 20:423, 1879 (Large-Scale St. Elmo's Fire.Cit. in 222) 039 E 1880 Elder, David, Will-wi'-the-Wisp, in "Symon's
Monthly Meteorological Magazine", 15:156, 1880 ("Spunkie", a wandering light in Fife, Scotland. Cit. in
266) 606 E 1880 …, in "Nature", vol. 22, p. 64, 1880
(Luminous Aerial Bubbles. Cit. in 222) 040 E 1880, Atmospheric Phenomenon, in "Nature",
22:362, 19 September 1880 041 E 1880 Morr, F. T, Curious Electric Phenomenon, in
"Nature", 1st July 1880, p. 193 (in SDE 1/90. Cfr.
Swamp Gas Journal) 423 E 1880 Sikes, Wirt, British Goblins, England, 1880,
pp. 238-249, chapter IX * (The "corpse candles"
phenomenon and tradition in Wales) 042 E 1881 Dyer, T. F. Thiselton, The Will-o'-the-Wisp
and its Folklore, in "The Popular Science Monthly", vol. 19, 1881, pp.
67-77 588 E 1882 Cameron, Donald, A Strange Phenomenon, in
"Nature", 25:437, 1882 (Large-Scale St. Elmo's
Fire) 043 E 1882 Will-o'-the-Wisp: A Confession, in "Journal
of Science", vol. 19, 1882, pp. 447-454 044 E 1882 Phantom Lights at Sea, in "Scientific
American", vol. 47, 1882, p. 56 045 E 1882 Williams, W. Mattieu, Will-o'-the-Wisp
Again, in "Journal of Science", vol. 19, p. 533, 1882 (An italian Will-o'-the-Wisp) 046 E 1882 Curious Electrical Phenomenon on Pike's
Peak, in "Scientific American", 47:16, 1882 (Saint
Elmo's Fires. Cit. in 222) 047 F 1882 Gautier, A., Etard, A., …, in "Comptes
Rendus", 94:357, 1882 (Phosphine and ignes
fatui) 048 E 1883 …, in "Journal of Science", vol. 20, 1883,
p. 247 582 E 1883 Artificial Aurorae, in "Symon's Monthly
Meteorological Magazine", 18:33, 1883 (Mountain-Top
Glows. Cit. in 222) 049 E 1885 Watt, J. B. A., Electric Phenomenon, in
"Nature", vol. 32, 1885, p. 316 (Electrified Light
Patches. Cit. in 222) 598 E 1885 Lucas, Robert, Electrical Phenomenon in
Mid-Lothian, in "Nature", 32:343, 13 August 1885 (Electrified Light Patches. Cit. in 222) 575 E 1885 …, in "Nature", vol. 32, 1885, p. 426
(Mountain-Top Glows. Cit. in 222) 576 E 1885 Electric clouds and Phosphorescent
Mountains, in "English Mechanic", 42:7, 1885 (Mountain-Top Glows. Cit. in 222) 050 E 1886 The Flying Dutchman, in "Scientific
American", vol. 54, 1886, p. 279 625 E 1886 Cowgill, Warner, Curious Phenomenon in
Venezuela, in "Scientific American", vol. 55, 1886, p. 389 *
(An unexplained light and humming in Maracaibo, Venezuela,
are linked to strange injuries on the bodies of nine people) 051 I 18.. Guglielmotti, Alberto, Storia della Marina
pontificia... Roma, 1886-1893 (On Saint Elmo's
Fires) 581 E 1887 The Northern Lights, in "Scientific
American", vol. 56, p. 135, 1887 (Mountain-Top
Glows. Cit. in 222) 602 E 1887 Ball Lightning, in "Scientific American",
57:53, 1887 (Luminous Aerial Bubbles. Cit. in
222) 603 E 1887 Bonney, A., Note on an Appereance of
Luminous Bubbles in the Atmosphere, in "Quarterly Journal of the Royal
Meteorologica Society", 13:306, 1887 (Luminous
Aerial Bubbles. Cit. in 222) 605 E 1887 Eaton, H. S., Note on a Manifestation of
Electricity at Ringstead Bay…, in "Quarterly Journal of the Royal
Meteorological Society", 13:305, 1887 (Luminous
Aerial Bubbles. Cit in 222) 052 E 1888 Dolbear, A. E., Globular Lightning, in
"Science", 11:38, 1888 (Saint Elmo's Fires. Cit. in
222) 053 E 1888 Tomlinson, Charles, Remarks on the
Weathering of Rocks and Certain Electrical Phenomena, in "Philosophical
Magazine", 5:26:475, 1888 (Saint Elmo's Fires. Cit.
in 222) 592 E 1888 Remarkable Discharge of Atmospheric
Electricity, in "Scientific American", 58:210, 1888 (Large-Scale St. Elmo's Fires) 054 E 1889 Asphalt and Petroleum in Venezuela, in
"Popular Science Monthly", vol. 35, 1889, p. 142 (The "lights" on River Caratumbo, Venezuale, Cit. in 222, p.
176) 567 E 1889 Bowlker C. A. C., Atmospheric Electricity,
in "Nature", vol. 40, p. 55, May 16, 1889 * (Saint'Elmo's Fires) 055 E 1889 "Infernito", in "Nature", vol. 40, p. 429,
August 29, 1889 * (The light phenomena of the river
Catatumbo, Venezuela) 566 E 1889 Tomlinson, Charles, Atmospheric Electricity,
in "Nature", vol. 40, p. 102, May 30, 1889 * (Saint
Elmo's Fires and other electrical phenomena in low
atmosphere) 591 E 1889 Tomlinson, Charles, Effects of Lighting, in
"Philosophical Magazine", 5:27:208, 1889 (Large-Scale St. Elmo's Fires) 056 E 1889 Omond, R. T., Atmospheric Electricity, in
"Nature", vol. 40, p. 102, May 30, 1889 * (Saint
Elmo's Fires) 580 E 1890 …, in "Nature", vol. 42, p. 458 (Mountain-Top Glows. Cit. in 222) 057 E 1890 Gregory, R. A., Electrical Storms on Pike's
Peak, in "Nature", vol. 42, n. 1094, October 16, 1890, pp. 595-596
* (Remarkable SE and other electrical phenomena
seen in the United States) 058 E 1891 Will-o'-the-Wisp, in "Notes and Queries",
Series 7, 11, January - June 1891 059 E 1891 The "Igns Fatuus", or Will o' the Wisp, in
"Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society", vol. 17, 1891,
p. 260 (Lights in the Ashdown Forest, in south-east
England. Cit. in 266) 060 E 1891 Tomlinson, Charles, Some Remarks Suggested
by A Popular Article on the Ignis Fatuus, in "Philosophical Magazine",
5:32:464, 1891 061 E 1893 Norcock, Charles J., An Atmospheric
Phenomenon in the Norh China Sea, in "Nature", vol. 48, n. 1230, May 25,
1893, pp. 76-77 * (EL frequently seen in
Japan) 607 E 1893 Swinnerton, Henry U., Aerial Bubbles, in
"Science", 21:136, 1893 (Luminous Aerial Bubbles.
Cit. in 222) 062 E 1893 Tomlinson, Charles, The Ignis Fatuus, in
"Knowledge", 16:89, 1893 063 E 1893 Tomlinson, Charles, On certain Low-Lying
Meteors, in "Knowledge", 16:96, 1893 (Saint Elmo's
Fires. Cit. in 222) 064 E 1894 Walhouse, M. J., Ghostly Lights, in
"Folk-Lore", London, 5:293, 1894 065 E 1896 Remarkable Electrical Phenomenon, in
"Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society", vol. 22, 1896,
p. 295 (Saint'Elmo's Fires. Cit. in 222) 066 I 1896 Galimberti, Giuseppe, Fenomeno luminoso
anormale, in "Rivista di Studi Psichici", anno II, February 1896, pp.
41-46 * 067 I 1896 Fuochi fatui e luci psichiche, in "Rivista
di Studi Psichici", anno II, May 1896, pp. 182-183 (column
"Informazioni") * 068 I 1896 Sulla elettività nella percezione delle luci
psichiche, in "Rivista di Studi Psichici", anno II, May 1896, p. 183
(column "Informazioni") * 069 I 1896 Ancora sui fuochi fatui e sulle luci
psichiche, in "Rivista di Studi Psichici", anno II, August 1896, p. 286
(column "Informazioni") * 070 I 1896 Fenomeno luminoso anormale, in "Archivio di
Psichiatria, Scienze Penali e Antropologia criminale", Torino, a. XVII,
fasc. IV, 1896, p. 433 * 071 I 1896 Fabani, Carlo, La fiammella misteriosa di
Berbenno, in "Corriere della Valtellina", Sondrio, a. I, n. 52, December
24, 1896, pp. 1-2 * 072 I 1897 Baudi di Vesme, avv. Cesare, Un fenomeno
luminoso anormale in Piemonte, in "Archivio di Psichiatria, Scienze
Penali e Antropologia criminale", Torino, a. XVIII, fasc. I, 1897, pp.
42-46 * 073 I 1897 C. L., Fuochi fatui e luci psichiche, in
"Archivio di Psichiatria, Scienze Penali e Antropologia criminale",
Torino, a. XVIII, fasc. I, 1897, p. 50 * 074 I 1897 Fabani, Carlo, La fiammella misteriosa di
Berbenno, in "Corriere della Valtellina", Sondrio, a. II, n. 1, January
1st, 1897, p. 1 * 075 I 1897 Viganò, Clemente, Ancora della fiammella di
Berbenno, in "Corriere della Valtellina", Sondrio, a. II, n. 3, del
January 15, 1897, p. 3 * 076 I 1897 Buzzi, prof. Omobono, La fiammella di
Berbenno Valtellina, in "Il Bollettino del Naturalista Collettore...",
Siena, a. XVII, n. 1, January 15, 1897, pp. 9 &emdash;10
* 077 I 1897 Fabani, Carlo, Ancora della fiammella di
Berbenno, in "Corriere della Valtellina", Sondrio, a. II, n. 4 , January
22, 1897, pp. 1 and 3 * 078 I 1897 Fabani, Carlo, Ancora della fiammella di
Berbenno, in "Corriere della Valtellina", Sondrio, a. II, n. 5, January
29, 1897 * 079 I 1897 J., Dalla Valtellina - A zonzo per la valle,
in "L'Ordine", Como, February 6, 1897, p. 3 * 080 I 1897 E. U., Uno strano fenomeno nella valle
d'Enza, in "Gazzetta di Parma", Parma, February 12, 1897, p. 1, col. 5
and p. 2, col. 1 * 081 I 1897 Fabani, Carlo, La misteriosa fiammella di
Berbenno Valtellina, in "Il Bollettino del Naturalista Collettore...",
Siena, a. XVII, n. 2, February 15, 1897, pp. 17-20 * 082 I 1897 Tortony (pseud.), Fiammelle che passeggiano,
in "La Sera", Milan, a. VI, n. 47, February 16-17, 1897, p. 2
* 083 I 1897 Uno strano fenomeno nella valle dell'Enza,
in "L'Italia Centrale. Gazzetta di Reggio-Emilia", a. XXXV, n. 41,
February 17, 1897, p. 3, coll. 1-2 * (On a EL in
Compiano d'Enza, in the province of Reggio Emilia. Same text as
080) 084 I 1897 Fenomeni luminosi anormali, in "Rivista di
Studi Psichici", anno III, March 1897, pp. 112-113 (column "Rivista dei
periodici e varietà") * 085 I 1897 Galimberti, Giuseppe, Sul fenomeno luminoso
anormale di Berbenno e su altri fenomeni analoghi, in "Rivista di Studi
Psichici", anno III, April 1897, pp. 121-133 * 086 I 1897 Galimberti, Giuseppe, Sul fenomeno luminoso
anormale di Berbenno e su altri fenomeni analoghi (Continuazione al
numero di Aprile), in "Rivista di Studi Psichici", anno III, May 1897,
pp. 153-157 * 087 I 1897 no title, in "Rivista di Studi Psichici",
anno III, May 1897, pp. 158-163 * 088 I 1897 Lombroso, Cesare, Luci psichiche, in
"Archivio di Psichiatria, Scienze Penali e Antropologia criminale",
Turin, a. XVIII, fasc. II - III, 1897, pp. 265 &emdash; 267
* 089 E 1897 Ignis Fatuus or Jack-o'-Lantern, in "Monthly
Weather Review", 25:211, 1897 090 E 1897 Bleunard, M. A., Extraordinary
Will-o'-the-Wisps, in "English Mechanic", 64:586, 1897 394 E 1897 MacIagan, R. C., Ghost Lights of the West
Highlands, in "Folk-lore", London, vol. 8, 1897, pp. 203-256
(A long survey of earth light traditions, stories and
reports from Scotland. Cit. in 391) 091 E 1898 Bleunard, M. A., Will-o'-the-Wisps, in
"English Mechanic", 68:433, 1898 092 E 1898 Eaton, H. S., Note on a Display of Globular
Lightning at Ringstead Bay…, in "Symon's Monthly Meteorological
Magazine", vol. 32, 1898, p. 127 (Luminous Aerial
Bubbles. Cit in 222) 551 D 1898 Steinvorth, Beiträge zur Frage nach der
Irrlichtern, in "Jahresheft des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für das
Fürstentum Lüneburg", 1895 and 1898 (IF in Germany.
Cited in 548) 093 E 1899 Strano fenomeno nel bresciano, in "Corriere
della Sera", n. 27, January 27-28, 1899, p. 2, col. 3 * 552 D 1899 Fornaschon, Kritische Betrachtung der
Irrlichterfrage, in "Archiv des Vereins der Freunde der Naturgeschichte
in Mecklenburg", 1899, pp. 84-98 (IF in Germany.
Cited in 548) 094 I 1900 Fabani, Carlo, Un fenomeno luminoso ossia la
fiammella di Berbenno, in "Atti dell'Accademia Pontificia dei Nuovi
Lincei", - Sessione VII del 18 giugno 1899, published in vol. LIII,
1900, pp. 15-49 * 496 E 1900 Huntington, Ellsworth, Electric Phenomena in
the Euphrates Valley, in "Monthly Weather Review", vol.28, 1900, pp. 286-287 (Mountain-Top
Glows. Cit. in 222) 584 E 1900 Electric Phenomena in the Euphrates Valley,
in "Monthly Weather Review", vol. 28:290, 1900 (Intemountain Electric Discharge. Cit. in 222) 585 E 1900 Notable Lightning, in "Monthly Weather
Review", vol. 28:290, 1900 (Intemountain Electric
Discharge. Cit. in 222) 550 D 1900 Müller-Erzbach, Über die Beobachtungn von
Irrlichtern, in "Meteorologische Zeitschrift", 1900, p. 505 (IF in Germany, Cited in 548) 611 E 1900 Spurious Daylight Observations of Leonids,
in "Observatory", 23:68, 1900 (Luminous Aerial
Bubbles. Cit. in 222) 338 E 1901 …in "Folk-Lore", vol. 18?, London, 1901, pp.
209-10 (Earth light in Lorne, Scotland. Cit. in
199) 095 E 1901 Lang, A., Spectral Lights, in "Folk-Lore",
London, vol. 18?, p. 343, 1901 096 I 1902 Uno strano fenomeno luminoso, in "Corriere
delle Puglie", a. XVI, n. 217, August 8, 1902, p. 1 * (EL in Berbenno, Italy) 097 E 1902 Dixon, H. T., Flames from Mud on a
Sea-Shore, in "Nature", vol. 66, n. 1702, June 12, 1902, p. 151 *
(IF-like phenomenon seen in the United States) 612 E 1902 Marwick, E. E., Curious Phenomenon, in
"English Mechanic", 75:417, 1902 (Luminous aerial
bubbles. Cit. in 222) 098 F 1902 Pozzi-Escot, A. E., …, in "Bull. Soc. Chim.
Fr.", 27:346, 1902 (Phosphine and ignes
fatui) 569 E 1903 Geikie, Archibald, Summer Lightning, in
"Nature", vol. 68, p. 367, 1903 (Mountain-Top
Glows. Cit. in 222) 099 E 1904 Newell, William W., The Ignis Fatuus, Its
Character and Legendary Origin, in "Journal of American Folklore", vol.
17 1904, pp. 39-60 100 E 1905 Penhallow, D. P., A Blazing Beach, in
"Science", vol. 22, 1905, p. 794 101 E 1905 Fryer, A. T., Psychological Aspects of the
Welsh Revival, in "Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research",
19:80, 1905 456 E 1905 Evans, Beriah G., Merionethshire Mysteries,
in "Occult Review", Pt. I, n. 3, March 1905, pp. 113-120 457 E 1905 Evans, Beriah G., Merionethshire Mysteries,
in "Occult Review", Pt. II, n. 4, April 1905, pp. 179-186 458 E 1905 Evans, Beriah G., Merionethshire Mysteries,
in "Occult Review", Pt. III, n. 5, June 1905, pp. 287-295 697 E 1905 Ganong, W. F., Current Notes on meteorology:
On the fact basis of the fire (or phantom) ship of Bay Chaleur, in
"Bullettin of Natural History Society New Brunswick", vol. 24 (5),
1905 (About a light phenomenon manifesting itself
in the Bay Chaleur, Canada, area) 102 E 1906 DeC. Ward, R., The fire-ship of Bay Chaleur,
in "Science", vol. 24, n.s., n. 616, October 19, 1906, p. 501
(About a light phenomenon manifesting itself in the Bay
Chaleur, Canada, area) 426 E 1907 Maxwell, Sir William George, In Malay
Forests', Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1907, pp. 84-95 and Appendix II *
(The Author, an explorer, describes its experience with a
couple of "balls of light" on the west coast of Malay peninsula in 1895,
then tells about EL often seen in two hamlets of Argyllshire, Scotland,
and says he has received many accounts of similar phenomena from a
certain number of countries) 615 E 1907 Turner, H. H. et al., On Seismological
Investigations, in "Report of the British Association", 1907, p.
87, (Enhanced Rock Luminosity. Cit. in
222) 103 E 1907 Penhallow, D. P., A Blazing Beach, in
"Popular Science Monthly", 70:557, 1907 104 E 1907 Ganong, W. F., Mysterious Lights, in
"Journal of the Society for Psychical Research", 13:8, 1907 440 E 1907 Gurney, J. H., Ornithological Report for
Norfolk (1907), in "The Zoologist", England, pp. 1, 2, 5, 6, 14, 15
* ("Luminous owls" as triggers of ELs
observations) 410 E 1907 Digby Pigott, T., A luminous owl, in "The
Times", London, December 14, 1907 * ("Luminous
owls" as triggers of ELs observations) 408 E 1907 Letters to the editor, in "The Times",
London, December 26, 1907 * ("Luminous owls" as
triggers of ELs observations) 613 E 1907 …, in "Scientific American", 96:90,
1907 (Enhanced Rock Luminosity. Cit. in
222) 614 E 1907 …. In "English Mechanic", 85:10, 1907
(Enhanced Rock Luminosity. Cit. in 222) 411 E 1908 Digby Pigott, T., Luminous Owls, in "The
Times", London, January 7, 1908 * ("Luminous owls"
as triggers of ELs observations) 409 E 1908 Rawnsley H. D., Luminous birds, in "The
Times", London, January 14, 1908 * ("Luminous owls"
as triggers of ELs observations) 412 E 1908 The luminous Owl, in "Eastern Daily Press",
Norwich, January 16, 1908 * ("Luminous owls" as
triggers of ELs observations) 413 E 1908 Luminous owl at Hellesdom, in "Eastern Daily
Press", Norwich, February 7, 1908 * ("Luminous
owls" as triggers of ELs observations) 414 E 1908 The luminous owl, in "Eastern Daily Press",
Norwich, February 8, 1908, p. 9 * ("Luminous owls"
as triggers of ELs observations) 531 I 1909 Lombroso, Cesare, Ricerche sui fenomeni
ipnotici e spiritici, Turin, UTET, 1909, p. 295 (Some hints on IF as "paranormal" phenomena) 415 E 1910 The luminous Owl, in "The Zoologist",
England, n. 826, April, 1910 * ("Luminous owls" as
triggers of ELs observations) 613 E 1910 …, in "New York Tribune", September 22,
1910 (Luminous Aerial Bubbles. Cit. in
222) 105 I 1911 Licò, Nigro, (aka Grillo, prof. Niccolò),
Dizionario di psichismo scienze occulte - simbolismo, Società Editrice
Mareggiani, s. l., 1911, pp. 193-194 e 214-215 [Ristampa anastatica a
cura della (Tipolito Alba), s. l., s.d. [press: 1988] * 455 E 1911 Evans-Wentz, W. Y., The Fairy-Faith in
Celtic Countries, London, Frowde, 1911, pp … (The
"corpse candles" and ignes fatui in Great Britain. Cit. in
391) 570 E 1911 Brunton, Lauder, A Pseudo-Aurora, in
"Nature", vol. 87, p. 278, 1911 (Mountain-Top
Glows. Cit. in 222) 617 E 1911 A Singular Effect, in "Scientific American",
104:103, 1911 (Enhanced Rock Luminosity. Cit. in
222) 106 E 1912 Jack-o'-Lantern, in "English Mechanic",
96:454, 1912 599 E 1912 M., J. McV., St'Elmos Fire, in "Nature",
vol. 89, p. 7, 1912 (Electrified Light Patches.
Cit. in 222) 498 E 1912 Knoche, Walter, Curious Lightning in the
Andes, in "Scientific American", vol. 106, p. 464, 1912 (Mountain-Top Glows. Cit. in 222) 578 E 1912 Strange light of the Andes, in "Literary
Digest", 45:840, 1912 (Mountain-Top Glows. Cit. in
222) 451 E 1912 The Yellow Light, in "The Daily Mail",
London, 25 December, 1912 (A EL in the Fermanagh
Couny, Ireland, since six or seven years. Cit. in 258) 438 E 1913 de Sibour, Count L., The Existence of
Luminous Birds, in "Knowledge", England, September 1913, pp. 321-322
* ("Luminous owls" as triggers of ELs
observations) 705 E 1913 …, in "The Observer", Charlotte, North
Carolina, 23 September, 1913 (One of the oldest
sources about the "Brown Mountain" EL. Cit. in 334) 573 E 1913 Silent Discharges, in "Knowledge", 10:26,
1913 (Mountain-Top Glows. Cit. in 222) 698 E 1914 De Visser, M. W., Fire and ignes fatui in
China and Japan, in "Mitteilungen des Seminars fur Orientalische
Sprachen an der Koniglichen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat zu Berlin",
vol. 17 (erste abteilung: Ostasiatische Studien), 1914, pp. 97-193
* (A long study about fire and ignes fatui in
chinese and japanese folklore. Pages from 162 to 193 are dedicated to
IF, EL and other similar phenomena) 418 E 1915 W. P. Drury, Lieut. Colonel, R. M. B. I.,
Intelligence Officer, Report on the Dartmoor Floating (or Balloon)
light, Intelligence Office, Plymouth Garrison, Cumberland Block,
Devonport, 4th December 1915. Admiralty 131/119 *
(Intelligence document on a strange light reccuring over
Dartmoor, England) 419 E 1916 Lieutnant R. N. V. R. Montague Eliot,
Commander in Chief's Office, Devonport, 31st March, 1916.
Armiralty 131/119 * (Intelligence documents on a
strange light reccuring over Dartmoor, England) 420 E 1916 Lt. Colonel P. Drury, Garrison Intelligence
Officer, Intelligence Office, Plymouth Garrison, Cumberland Block,
Devonport, 1st April, 1916. Abnormal Lights on Dartmoor.
Admiralty 131/119 * (Intelligence documents on a
strange light reccuring over Dartmoor, England) 107 E 1916 Luckiesh, M., An Unusual Experiment with
Ignes Fatui, in "Scientific American Supplement", 82:384,
1916 601 E 1916 Acharius, E., Account of an Extraordinary
Meteoric Phenomenon, in "North American Review", 3:320, 1916
(Luminous Aerial Bubbles. Cit. in 222) 108 E 1917 Peterson, Joseph, Some Striking Illusions of
Movement of a a Single Light on Mountains, in "American Journal of
Psychology", 28:476, 1917 109 E 1919 Sington, T., A Mistery, in "English
Mechanic", October 17, 1919, 110, pp. 152-3 110 E 1919 A Mistery, in "English Mechanic", 110:128,
1919 (The same as 109?) 111 E 1919 Samford, Fernando, Ignis Fatuus, in
"Scientific Monthly", vol. 9, 1919, pp. 358-362 112 E 1920 …, in "Scientific American" (Supplement),
May, 1920 (Some cases of ignes fatui) 113 E 1921 Smith, David J., Will-o'-the-Wisp?, in
"English Mechanic", 113:178, 1921 114 E 1921 Carrington, dr. Hereward, Death: Its Causes
and Phenomena, New York, Dodd, Mean and Co., 1921 (On the possible causes of "corpse lights") 608 E 1922 Ball Lightning, in "Meteorological
Magazine", vol. 57, 1922, p. 46 (Luminous Aerial
Bubbles. Cit. in 222) 115 E 1922 Smith-Gordon, Lionel, Ball Lightning, in
"Meteorological Magazine", vol. 57, 1922, p. 336 (Luminous Aerial Bubbles. Cit. in 222) 116 E 1922 Mansfield, George R., …, U. S. Geological
Survey, 1922, pp. 13 117 I 1922 Pappalardo, Armando, Dizionario di Scienze
Occulte, Milan, Hoepli, 1922 (2nd ed.) pp. 166 and 318, ristampa
anastatica by Edizioni Cisalpino - Goliardica, Milan, 1986 *
Note: A first edition in 1910 118 I 1922 Licò, Nigro, (aka Grillo, prof. Niccolò),
Occultismo, Milan, Manuali Hoepli n. 68, 1922, pp. 335-341, Ristampa
anastatica by Edizioni Cisalpino - Goliardica, Milan, 1988 *
Note: First Edition, Milan, Hoepli, 1905. Same text as
118. 416 E 1923 Barn-Owl (Tyto Alba), in "British Birds",
vol. XVI, n. 9, February 1, 1923 * ("Luminous owls"
as triggers of ELs observations) 408 E 1923 Ghost on the Hills of Warwickshire, in
"Evening Dispatch", Birmingham, February 12, 1923, p.1 * (Primary source on the ELs of South Warwickshire) 409 E 1923 Dancing "ghost". Radiant village spectre, in
"The Daily Mail", London, February 13, 1923, p. 7 * (Primary source on the ELs of South Warwickshire) 410 E 1923 Will-o'-the-Wisp. Probable explanation of
the Fenny Compton Ghost, in "The Birmingham Mail", Birmignam, February
15, 1923, p. 7 * (Primary source on the ELs of
South Warwickshire) 411 E 1923 Elusive Hill Ghosts, in "Evening Dispatch",
Birmingham, February 16, 1923, p.5 * (Primary
source on the ELs of South Warwickshire) 412 E 1923 Burton Dassett "Ghost". A puzzling
Phenomenon, in "Royal Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard",
February 16, 1923, p. 5 * (Primary source on the
ELs of South Warwickshire) 413 E 1923 Tracking a Warwickshire village "Ghost", in
"Birmingham Gazette", Birmingam, February 20, 1923, p. 5 * (Primary source on the ELs of South Warwickshire) 119 D 1923 Barrenscheen, H. K., Beckh-Widmanstatter, …,
in "Biochem Z.", 140:279, 1923 (Phosphine and ignes
fatui) 348 E 1923 … in "Minneapolis Journal", June 26,
1923 (Various ELs in Cimarron County, Oklahoma.
Cit. in 199) 120 E 1925 Hausman, Leon Augustus, The Mystery of the
Will-o'-the-Wisp, in "The Mentor", 13:58, 1925 121 E 1925 The Queer Lights on Brown Mountain, in
"Literary Digest", 87:48, 7 November, 1925 336 E 1925 .., in "Minneapolis Journal", December 16,
1925 (ELs in Buffalo Basin district, near Beechy,
Canada, since 1912. Cit. in 199) 689 I 1925 De Ritis, Beniamino, Ortona, Rome, T.
Aquino, 1925, pp. … (Some pages about the so-called
"Lume di San Tommaso", a strange "meteor" seen sometimes on a church in
Ortona, on the Adriatic Sea, since13th century) 122 E 1926 Chater, Melville, Motor-Coaching through
North Carolina, in " The National Geographic Magazine", vol. XLIX, n. 5,
May 1926, pp. 517-518 * (The Brown Mountain
EL) 123 R 1927 Rudakov, K. I., … , in "Zentbl. Bakt.",
70:202, 1927 (Phosphine and ignes fatui) 128 R 1927 Liebert, F., …, in "Zentbl. Bakt.", 72:369,
1927 (Role of phosphine in marsh gas ignition is
challenged on thermodynamic grounds) 129 E 1928 Will-o'-the-Wisp, in "Science", vol. 68,
sup. XII and XIV,October 5, 1928 * (Two close-up
observations of IF in Germany in 1927 and in 1914) 584 E 1929 Talman, Charles Fitzhugh, Static Electricity
Flares on Pikes Peak, in "American Meteorological Society Bulletin",
10:78, 1929 (Mountain-Top Glows. Cit. in
222) 130 E 1930 Robinson, H. W., …, in "The Field", 155:230,
1930 604 E 1930 Electrical Phenomena near Weymouth, in
"Nature", 126:262, 1930 (Luminous Aerial Bubbles.
Cit. in 222) 131 E 1931 Cawood, W., Patterson, H. S., A Curious
Phenomenon shown by Highly Charged Aerosol, in "Nature", vol. 128, n.
3221, July 25, 1931, p. 150 * (Electrical optical
phenomena in aerosols) 593 E 1931 Unusual Lightning Phenomena, in
"Meteorological Magazine", 66:41, 1931 (Large-Scale
St. Elmo's Fires. Cit. in 222) 132 E 1931 Talman, Charles Fitzhugh, …, in "New York
Herald Tribune Magazine", July 19, 1931 (On the
"Japanese Lights" seen at least since 1893 and on mysterious lights on
the Andes) 583 E 1931 Strange Kinds of Lightning, in "Literary
Digest", 111:22, October 10, 1931 (Mountain-Top
Glows. Cit. in 222) 133 E 1932 Talman, Charles Fitzhugh, Ball Lightning, in
"American Mercury", vol. 26, 1932, p. 69 (Luminous
Aerial Bubbles) 134 E 1932 Viosca, Percy Jr., Spontaneous Combustion in
the Marshes of Southern Louisiana, in "Science", 75:461, 1932 135 E 1932 van der Pohl, Balthasar, Bead-Corona on
Radio Antenna, in "Nature", vol. 130, n. 3287, October 29, 1932, p. 662
* (Optical phenomena near radio
antennas) 136 I 1932 Napoletano, Raffaele, I fuochi di Sant'Elmo.
Studio critico, Nola, Tipografia Rubino, 1932, fig., p. 78 *
(A literary review on the origin of the myth of Saint
Elmo) 137 E 1932 Talman, Charles Fitzhugh, What Is
Will-o'-the-Wisp?, in "Nature Magazine", 20:7, 1932 138 E 1936 Humphreys, W. J., Ball Lightning, in
"Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society", 76:613, 1936
(Saint Elmo's Fires. Cit. in 222) 139 E 1936 AP Dispatch, February 28, 1936 (The Ringold ghost lights, near Pasco,Washington) 140 I 1937 D'Amato, A., La leggenda di S. Elmo, in
"Lares", vol. VIII, n. 4, December 1937, pp. 319-320 * (Literary notes on the origin of Saint'Elmos legend) 141 E 1937 …, in "Fortean Society Magazine", 1:16,
October 1937 142 E 1937 …, in "The New York Times", August 1,
1937 (The "Blue Sparks" of Khartoum, Sudan and
similar phenomena in Kano, Nigeria, are perhaps a sort of discharging
static electricity) 143 E 1938 Botley, Cicely, M., St. Elmo's Fire in
Egypt, in "Meteorological Magazine", 73:96, 1938 (Saint Elmo's Fires. Cit. in 222) 699 E 1938 Rudkin, Ethel H., Will O' the Wisp, in
"Folk-Lore", London, vol. 49, 1938, pp. 46-48 * (Details about EL seen in Willoughton, in Lincoln County, UK,
and in Cammeringham - "Cammeringham Light" &emdash; in
Harpswell) 514 E 1938 Science and Supertstition Lock on Lights, in
"The Leader-Post", Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, vol. XXX, no. 279,
November 29, 1938 * (A EL in Saskatchewan,
Canada) 515 E 1938 Scoffing Unbeliver Sees Ball of Fire in
Midnight watch, in "The Leader-Post", Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, vol.
XXX, no. 280, November 30, 1938 * (A EL in
Saskatchewan, Canada) 516 E 1938 Strange Crab Emblem now on Letters coming
from Tabor District, in "The Leader-Post", Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada,
vol. XXX, no. 281, December 1st, 1938 * (A EL in
Saskatchewan, Canada) 517 E 1938 Party from Esterhazy Glimpses Spooky Glare,
in "The Leader-Post", Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, vol. XXX, no. 282,
December 2, 1938 * (A EL in Saskatchewan,
Canada) 518 E 1938 Iron Gates to Graveyard now Bared, in "The
Leader-Post", Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, vol. XXX, no. 283, December
3, 1938 * (A EL in Saskatchewan, Canada) 519 E 1938 Tabor Mystery is Reported Seen 23 miles
away, in "Morning Leader", Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, December 5,
1938 * (A EL in Saskatchewan, Canada) 520 E 1938 Burial Sites Proper Cemetery Trusters Defend
Conduct at Tabor Cemetery, , in "The Leader-Post", Regina, Saskatchewan,
Canada, vol. XXX, December 7, 1938 * (A EL in
Saskatchewan, Canada) 521 E 1938 Light Scares People, in "The Leader -Post",
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, vol. XXX, December 9, 1938 * (A EL in Saskatchewan, Canada) 522 E 1938 Tabor Light appears four Times in Night, in
"The Leader-Post", Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, vol. XXX, no. 292,
December 14, 1938 * (A EL in Saskatchewan,
Canada) 577 E 1940 B., C. F., Glow Discharge on Mt. Wachusett,
in "American Meteorological Society, Bulletin", 21:206, 1940
(Mountain-Top Glows, Cit. in 222) 144 E 1941 Blackwell, John W., Will-o-the-Wisp of the
Esperanza, in "Texas Folklore Society, Publications", vol. 17, 1941, p.
118 337 E 1941 Fort, Charles, The Books of Charles Fort,
Henry Holt, New York, 1941, pp. 295-6, 625-8 (Earth
lights in Wales; in Durham, England; in northern Norkolk, England, in
Warwickshire, England, in Northern Ireland) 532 I 1941 Bozzano, Ernesto, Popoli primitivi e
manifestazioni supernormali, L'Albero, Verona, 1941, pp. 130-131
(Some notes on strange lights seen in Africa and on IF as
"paranormal" phenomena) 145 E 1942 Clark, R. E. D., …, in "Sch. Sci. Rev.",
23:138, 1942 146 E 1944 Randolph, Vance, Ozark Ghost Stories,
Haldeman-Julius Publications, Girard, Kansas, 1944 (The "Ozark Spook Lights") 632 E 1946 …, in "The Kansas City Star", May 9,
1946 (The "Ozarks Spook Light". Cit. in
324) 467 I 1946 Eredia, Filippo, Pioggia di stelline sulle
braccia e sulle mani, in "Il Giornale d'Italia. Quinta Edizione", Rome,
20 August, 1946, p. 3 * (Saint Elmo's
Fires) 147 I 1946 Misteriosi fuochi si sprigionano da un
antico mosaico, in "Corriere della Sera", Milan, October 27, 1946, p. 3
* (Ignis Fatuus in Rome) 148 I 1946 Danza di fuochi fatui nelle campagne
vicentine, in "Corriere d'Informazione", Milan, December 9-10, 1946, p.
... * (Ignis fatuus-like phenomenon in the italian
province of Vicenza) 149 I 1947 Alippi, Tito, Quelle misteriose luci..., in
"La Domenica del Corriere", a. XLVIIII, n. 5, February 2, 1947, p. 8
* (The author, a geophysicst and parapsychologist,
tells about an Ignis Fatuus phenomenon in 1946 in Vicenza province, and
recaps the history of Berbenno's mysterious fire often seen in the
19th century. Some sketchy details about German
cases) 710 E 1947, Gaddis, Vincent H., Visitors from the Void,
in "Amazing Stories", June 1947, pp. 159-161 * (Some remarks about the "Ringold ghost lights", seen near Pasco,
Washington, and the "Brown Mountain lights") 150 E 1947 Randolph, Vance, Ozark Magic and Folklore,
New York, Columbia University Press, 1947, pp. 232-5 151 E 1948 Arnold, Kenneth, Phantom Lights in Nevada,
in "Fate", vol. 1, n. 3, Fall 1948, pp. 96-98 (Observations of strange circular lights at low level: a series
in 1922, again in 1927, and others in 1930, like someone carrying a
lantern, or an approaching car) 431 E 1948 Gaydon, A. G., Spectroscopy and Combustion
Theory, Chapman and Hall, 1948 (Chemistry of IF.
Cit. in 251) 152 E 1949 Harden, John, The Devil's Tramping Ground,
University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, North Carolina,
1949 (Antiquity of the Brown Mountain
light) 153 E 1950 Sanborn, William B., An Electrical "Bath" in
Yellowstone, in "Natural History", vol. 59, June 1950, p. 258
(Electrified Light Patches. Cit. in 222) 154 E 1950 voce: Ignis Fatuus, in "Chamber's
Encyclopaedia", 7:381, 1950 155 E 1951 Thomson, G., The Will-o'-the-Wisp, in
"Weather", 6:63, 1951 544 E 1951 Farwell, George, Land of Mirage, Australia,
1951 (Min Min light of Australia. Cited in
542) 156 Bessor, John Philip, … in "Fate", March 1951
(Interviews with eyewitnesses of the Brown Mountain
Lights. Cit. in 223) 621 Gaddis, Vincent, Electrical ghosts, in "Fate",
April 1951 157 E 1951 Partington, J. R., General and inorganic
chemistry, London, Macmillan, 1951, p. 598 (The
role of phosphine in the ignition of marsh gas) 158 E 1951 UP Dispatch, April 13, 1951, and several AP
releases during March and April, 1951 (Suffolk,
Virginia, USA, earth lights) 159 E 1952 …, in "Fate", vol. 5, n. 1, January
1952 (Phantom lights in the Oklahoma
Panhandle) 160 I 1952 Rif (pseud.), Il fiammeggiante fantasma non
si lasciò bastonare dai carpigiani, in "Il Resto del Carlino" (edizione
di Reggio Emilia) , 6 June 1952, p. 4 (Cronaca di Reggio) * (A little spheric light appeared many times in 1927 over
Correggio countryside, in the Po Valley. The author associates it with
methane later discovered in the area) 367 I 1952 N. C., Fiamme, esplosioni e boati
terrorizzano un paese dell'Abruzzo, in "Giornale d'Italia. Edizione del
pomeriggio", Rome, 11 June 1952, p. 3 * (Mysterious
fires and explosione from the ground in the central Appennines region of
Italy) 161 I 1952 Fiamme, esplosioni e boato terrorizzano un
paese dell'Abruzzo, in "Il Tirreno", Leghorn, June 11, 1952 * 162 I 1952 Terrorizzato dai fuochi fatui un turista in
un cimitero, in "Il Giornale d'Italia. Edizione del pomeriggio", Rome,
August 2, 1952, p. 2 * (A man is followed and
scared by a group of ignes fatui near an old church in the italian
region of Trentino) 163 E 1952 … in "Globe and Mail", Toronto, Canada,
September 5, 1952 (The "light" of Lake Simcoe, near
Brechin, north of Toronto) 523 E 1952 Wenzel, Rubena, Mysterious Yarbo Ghost
Light, in "Star Phoenix", Saskatoon, Canada, October 15, 1952, p. 27
* (A EL in Saskatchewan, Canada) 346 E 1952 White, N. I. (ed.), Frank C. Brown Colletion
of North Carolina Folklore - vol. I., Durham, North Carolina, 1952, pp.
684-5 (Earth light in Watauga County, North
Carolina. Cit. in 199) 620 I 1953 Il Monte Pellegrino si è elettrizzato, in
"Notiziario di Messina e della Calabria", Messina, Italy, April 12,
1953, p. 6 * (Diffuse electric discharges on a
mountain in Sicily) 164 E 1953 Bessor, John Philip, Mysterious Lights of
Australia, in "Fate", vol. 6, August 1953, pp. 87-90 (cit. in 223) 165 E 1953 Field, Henry, The Track of Man, New York,
Doubleday and Co., 1953, pp. 92-93 (An earth light
in the Iraqi desert. Cit. in 188 and in 199) 543 E 1954 Terris, G. B. M., …. In "North Queensland
Naturalist", Australia, January 1954 (Sightings of
the Min Min light in Australia. Cited in 542) 166 I 1954 Un misterioso globo infuocato sorvola la
provinciale di Filicaia, in "La Nazione Italiana" (Lucca Edition),
Florence, November 22, 1954, p. 2 * (A spheric
light is often seen near the ground in a village in Tuscany,
Italy) 167 E 1954 Minnaert, M., The nature of light &
colour in the open air, New York, Dover, 1954, pp. 352-353 450 E 1954 Corbett, Jim, The Temple Tiger, and More
Man-Eaters, New York, Oxford University Press, 1954 (EL in a temple on a mountain of Northern India. Cit in 308
) 168 E 1955 AP Dispatch, January 29, 1955 (Lights in La Grande, Oregon) 662 E 1955 …, in "Evening Observer", La Grande, Oregon,
29 January 1955 (The father of "flying saucers",
Kenneth Arnold, investigates about EL of the Blue Mountains, Oregon.
Cit. in Gross, Loren, UFOs: A History 1955, January-June, Private
Publication, Fremon, California, 1992) 169 E 1955 Dorson, Richard M., Folklore in the News:
Phantom Ship, in "Western Folklore", vol. 14, 1955, pp. 137-8 170 E 1955 Robson G., …, in "Marine Observer", vol. 25,
1955, p. 95 (Mountain-Top Glows. Cit. in
222) 171 E 1955 …, in "The Kansas City Star", October 2,
1955 (The "Ozark Spook Light") 526 E 1955 Jessup, Morris K., The Case for the UFO,
London, Arco Publishers, 1955, pp. 172-174 * (Some
notes on reiterate falling of "fireballs" in a very confined area in the
United States in 1951-2 and on EL in Brown Mountain, NC, in Great
Britain in 1908 and in Wales) 172 E 1956 …, in "Fate", October, 1956 (Phantom lights in Loudonville, Ohio) 439 E 1956 MacGregor, Alasdir Alpin, The Ghost Book,
London, R. Hale, 1956, pp. 202-224, chapter XVI: "Phantom Lights"
* (One of the most comprehensive pictures of ELs
phenomena in England) 541 E 1956 Ignis Fatuus, in "The Encyclopedia
Americana", vol. 14, New York, Washington D. C., Chicago, Americana Corporation, 1956, p. 572 * (A
review of the phenomenon of IF with a rebuttal of methane hypothesis for
its origin) 173 E 1957 Moran, Paul, … in "Coronet", July
1957 (The earth lights of Chinati Mountains,
Texas) 174 E 1957, …, in "Life", October 24, 1957 (The "Maco Lights" of North Carolina) 175 E 1958 Crane, T. C., Unidentified Phenomenon, in
"Marine Observer", 28:81, 1958 176 E 1958 …, in "Ford Times", June 1958 (The "Ozark Spook light") 542 E 1958 Min Min, in "The Australian Encyclopedia",
vol. VI, Sidney, Angus & Robertson, 1958, p. 91 * (The Min Min EL in Queensland is discsussed since the beginning
of the 20th Century) 471 E 1959 Lampasas Couple 'Victims' of Mysterious,
Fast-Flying Lights, in "Lampasas Record", Texas, January 29, 1959
* (Two persons spotted for at least six weeks EL
near the soil or coming out of it. In one occasion, they were so scared
they had a slight car accident) 177 E 1959 Ives, Ronald L., Notes and Queries: The
'Phantom Ship' of the Gulf of California, in "Western Folklore", vol.
18, 1959, pp. 327-8 178 E 1959 Tsubota, G., …, Soil. Pl. Fd., Tokyo, 5:10,
1959 (Phospine and ignes fatui) 336 E 1959 Blofeld, John, The Wheel of Life, Rider,
1959 (Earth lights in the sacred chinese mountain
of Wu T'ai. Cit. in 199 and in 368) 340 E 1959 …, in "Fate", July 1959 (Earth lights in Lamar County, Alabama, since 1895 and in Cedar
County, Missouri. Cit. in 199) 180 I 1959 Piombi, Giulio (a cura di), Superstizioni e
leggende della montagna reggiana, pp. 1, 6-7 e 26-27. Supplemento a:
"Notiziario della seconda Circoscrizione Scolastica della montagna
reggiana, 1959, Ristampa anastatica: Felina (Reggio Emilia), La Nuova
Tipolito, 1993 * (Some narratives on ignes fatui
and EL by pupils in a primary school in the italian mountains of the
province of Reggio Emilia, collected in 1949-50) 700 E 1959 Needham, Joseph, Science and Civilisation in
China. Vol. 3: Mathematics and the Sciences of the Heavens and the
Earth, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1959, it. trans.: Scienza
e civiltà in Cina. Volume terzo. La matematica e le scienze del cielo e
della terra. Parte seconda. Meteorologia e scienze della Terra, Torino:
Giulio Einaudi Editore, 1986, pp. 677-678 * (An
account about a SE from a chinese source of the year 1432) 179 E 1960 Spook Light, in "Science News Letter",
77:189, 1960 436 E 1961 …, in "North Australian Monthly", January
1961 (Early accounts on the Min Min Light. Cit in
435) 181 E 1961 …, in "Westways", April, 1961 (Dancing earth lights along a road in the southern California
desert near Julian) 182 E 1961 Fuller, Curtis, …, in "Fate", May
1961 (Lights in Saratoga, Texas and against alleged
mechanisms for ignes fatui production. Cit. in 223 and 266) 183 I 1962 Rocchi, Francesco (ed.), Leggende del mare,
Bologna, Cappelli, 1962, pp. 85-92 * (Saint Elmo's
Fires in Italy) 545 I 1962 Maragliano, Alessandro (edited by Vidosso,
Giuseppe, Maragliano, Iria), Tradizioni popolari vogheresi, Firenze, Le
Monnier, 1962, pp. 331-332, 346-348, 352i. * (IF
and EL in the Voghera, Italy, area) 184 E 1962 …in "Charlotte News", North Carolina,
mid-March 1962 (The Summerville, North Carolina, USA,
lights) 402 E 1963? Lael, Ralph I., The Brown Mountain Lights,
United States, circa 1963 (An alleged UFO-contactee
says that the Brown Mountains ELs are extraterrestrial craft. Cit. in
223) 185 E 1964 Bayless, Raymond … in "Fate",
September-October 1964 (The "Ozark Spook
Light") 343 E 1964 Edwards, Frank, Strange World, Lyle Stuart,
1964, pp. 35-9 (The earth lights of Joplin, near
Hornet, Missouri, Burke County, North Carolina, Nansemond County,
Virginia, and Presidio County, Texas) 186 E 1965 …, in "Fate", January, 1965 (The light in the cemetery of Silver Cliff, Colorado) 187 E 1965 Gannon, Robert, Balls O'Fire, in "Popular
Mechanics", vol. 124, September 1965, p. 116 342 E 1965 …, in "Annals of Iowa", des Moines, Iowa,
vol. XXXVII, Spring 1965 pp. 561-73 (An earth light
is seen near a farm of Warren County, Iowa since 1874 up to 1947. Cit.
in 199) 188 E 1967 Gaddis, Vincent H., Mysterious Fires and
Lights, New York, Dell, 1967, pp. 11-98 * (The "Foo
Fighters" of WWII and during the Korean War; the "Japanese Lights" seen
at least since 1893; theories of "living UFOs"; "gizmos" on the radr
screens; infrared phtos of UFOs; oddities of lightnings; ball
lightnings; strange fireballs and strange fires; incredible heat-blasts;
the "devil's fires" of Siam; similar "fires" in Tanzania, in the Andes
in Arizona and in Brazil; an electrical theory of UFOs by the technical
writer Victor Black; earth lights in the Iraki desert; the "Luz del
dinero" in Peru; the "Min-Min" light in Australia; the "Waimea light" in
the Hawaii; the "Iliamna Lights" in Alaska; the "ghost lights" or Marfa
Lights of the Chinati Mountains, Texas; the light of the Brown Mountain,
North Carolina; the "Ozark Spook light"; the "Maco Lights" of North
Carolina; the lights of Summerville, North Carolina; the "Phantom Light
of Ringold", Washington; lights in Sand Springs, Oklahoma.; lights in
Saratoga, Texas; lights of Suffolk, Virginia.; lights beetwen Gonzales
and Galvez, Louisiana; lights in the cemetery of Silver Cliff,
Colorado.; lights in Loudonville, Ohio; phantom lights in Jersey City,
New Jersey; will-o'-the-wisps; globes of light in Rigstead Bay, England;
theories on conventional mechanisms for low-level atmospheric phenomena;
St. Elmo's Fire, other mysterious lights in Khartoum, Sudan, Kano,
Nigeria, and near Julian, California.; lights in La Grande, Oregon, in
Nye County, Nevada and near McDermitt, Nevada; The Oklahoma Panhandle
Lights; phantom light of Lake Simcoe, near Brechin, north of Toronto,
Ontario; a mysterious light in Maryland in 1952; mysterious lights as
savers in disasters) 345 E 1967 …, in "Fate", November 1967 (Earth light on a river near Llano, Taos County, New Mexico.
Cit. in 199) 571 E 1967 Botley, Cicely, M., Howell, W. E., Mystery
on Mount Adams, in "Mount Washington Obeservatory News Bulletin", 8:9,
March 1967 (Mountain-Top Glows. Cit. in
222) 324 E 1967 Loftin, Bob E., Spooksville's Ghost Lights,
Private Publication, 1969, pp. 28 * (A collection
of news, folklore, gossips. Etc. about the well-known EL of the Ozarks
Mountains or Hornet, Missouri, "light") 189 E 1968 Bailey, Herbert, Come see the Flying
Saucers, in "Argosy Magazine", December 1968 339 E 1968 Hervey, Michael, They Walk by Night, Ace
Publ. Co., 1968, pp. 63-5 (Earth lights in New
Guinea. Cit. in 199) 631 E 1968 Loftin, Robert E., Identified Flying
Saucers, 1968, pp. … (Some pages about "Ozarks
Spook Light". Cit. in 324) 190 E 1969 Linehan, Edward J, The Rockies' Pot of Gold:
Colorado, in "The National Geographic Magazine", vol. 136, n. 2, August
1969, p. 201 * (ELs at the Silver Cliff
cemetary). 347 E 1969 …, in "Flying Saucer Review", London,
November-December, 1969 (EL in Cass County, North
Dakota, in 1968. Cit. in 199) 191 E 1970 "Will-o-the-Wisp", in Cavendish, Richard
(ed.). "Man, Myth & Magic", England, 1970, vol. 22, p. 3031 *
(A general introduction with a particular attention to the
"evil" tradtion annexed to the phenomenon) 600 E 1970 Stocks, H. G., Hanga Elibovu Elisbonu
Pezulu, in "Air Facts", 35:55, October 1970 (Electrified Light Patches. Cit. in 222) 546 E 1970 Mysterious Lights are Recalled, in "Capper
Weekly", Topeka, Kansas, April 21, 1970 * (IF/EL in
Kansas in 1900-1910) 335 E 1970 …, in "Winnipeg Free Press", Canada, 7
December 1970 (On the earth lights seen in an area
north of Woodridge, Manitoba. Cit. in 199 and in 257) 344 E 1970 Sanderson, Ivan T., Invisible Residents, New
York, World Publishing Co., 1970, p. 71-74 * (Earth
lights of Lake Wanaque, New Jersey in 1966-67 are said to be spotted in
the area at least since 1920) 192 E 1971 Markson, Ralph, Nelson, Richard,
Mountain-Peak Potential-Gradient Measurements and the Andes Glow, in
"Weather", vol. 25, 1971 (or 1970?), p. 350 (The
so-called "Light of the Andes" phenomenon and other lights on mountains'
peaks. Cit. in 206, p. 38 and in 222) 194 I 1971 Zeppegno, L., Guida all'Italia leggendaria
misteriorsa insolita fantastica, Milano, Mondadori, 1971, vol. 4, pp.
134-135 * (In Ortona, in the Abruzzo region, a
"meteor" is said to appear sometimes over a church's
pinnacle) 504 E 1971 Mansfield, George R., Origin of the Brown
Mountain Light in North Carolina, United States Geological Service
Circular 646, 1971, pp. 18 559 E 1971 Sandell, Roger, UFOs in Wales in 1905, in
"Flying Saucer Review", vol. 17, n. 4, Jualy-August 1971, pp. 24-25
* (EL and othe anomalous phenomena in the Welsh
religious revival of 1905) 579 E 1971 Latham, J., Mountain Peak Potential Gradients,
in "Weather", 26:80, 1971 (Mountain-Top Glows. Cit.
in 222) 483 E 1972 Akers, David W., Report on the Investigation
of Nocturnal Light Phenomena at Toppenish, Washington, August 1972,
unpublished ms. 560 E 1972 Sandell, Roger, More on Welsh UFOs in 1905, in
"Flying Saucer Review", vol. 18, n. 2, March-April 1972, pp. 31-32, iii
* (EL and othe anomalous phenomena in the Welsh
religious revival of 1905) 195 E 1972 Kamra, A. K, Visual Observation of Electric
Sparks on Gypsum Dunes, in "Nature", vol. 240, November 17, 1972, pp.
143-144 * (Strange optical electrical phenomena in
New Mexico) 196 E 1972 Bessent, Malcolm, The lights of Brown
Mountains, in "New Horizons", 1:3, Summer 1972 197 E 1972 Hynek, Joseph Allen, Powers, R. T., The
Tri-State Spook Light, in "New Horizons", 1:6, Summer 1972 198 E 1972 ..., in "Winnipeg Free Press", Canada, 5
December 1972 (EL in Woodridge, Manitoba,
Canada) 199 E 1972 Hall, Mark A., A "Ghost Light" Survey, in
"INFO Journal", vol.3, n. 1, whole n. 9, pp. 19-21, Autumn 1972 *
(A listing of 46 locations of re-occurring "ghost lights" in
USA, Australia, Canada, Irak, Great Britain, Venezuela, China and New
Guinea) 200 I 1972 Ingham, M. F., La luminescenza dell'aria, in
"Le Scienze", italian edition for "Scientific American", n. 44,
1972 (in biblio FLA) 201 E 1972 Burford, J. R., Bremmer, J. M., …, in "Soil
Biol. Biochem.", 4:489, 1972 (Vapour phase
chromatography fails to detect phosphine in the gases evolved from
soil/phosphate mixtures) 193 I 1972 Violi Guidetti, Lisa, I fuochi di Sassatella,
in Deputazione di Storia Patria per le Antiche Province Modenesi,
Biblioteca &emdash; Nuova Serie n. 21, Frassinoro e le valli del Dolo
e del Dragone. Atti e memorie del Convegno di Studi tenuto a Frassinoro il
5-6 giugno 1971, Modena, Aedes Muratoriana, 1972, pp. 167-169 *
(Ignes Fatui are localized in an old vulcanic area in the
Appennines section of Emilia, Italy) 710 E 1972 Mishoe, Philip B., The Lights of Brown
Mountain, Dorrance, Philadelphia, 1972, p. 236 202 E 1973 Clark, W., 21 mystery sightings baffle
scientists, in "The Sunday News", Detroit, December 2, 1973 (On the Piedmont, Missouri ELs and about Harley D. Rutledge
studies. With two photos. See Schneider e Malthaner 1977, pp. 213 e
215) 403 E 1973 UFO sightings Make Missouri Professor a
Believer in South, in "Kansas City Times", December 8, 1973 (About Harley Rutledge experiences in Piedmont, Missouri, area.
Cit. in 242) 331 E 1973 Mac Manus, Diarmid, The Middle Kingdom, Great
Britain, Colin Smythe, 1973 (An encounter with a
Will-o'-the-Wisp in Ireland. Cit. in 251 and 266) 511 E 1973 Wright, Elwood, Kenney, Pat, The Enigma Lights
of Marfa: An Unexplained Phenomenon, 1973 unpublished ms. 203 I 1974 La misteriosa fiammella di Berbenno, in
"Bollettino della Società Storica Valtellinese", Sondrio, n. 27, 1974, pp.
48-52 * 204 E 1974 Klass, Philip, J., UFOs Explained, Random
House, New York, 1974, pp. 74-84 * >
628 E 1974 Epstein, Jack, …, in "Phisics Today", March
1974 (A tentative explanation through antimatter for
H. Rutledge's "lights" observed in Piedmont, Missouri. Cit. in
453) 328 E 1974 Rothovius, Andrew E., Aerial Phenomena in
Canada During the Great Earthquake of 1663, in "INFO Journal", n. 13, May
1974, p. 29 * 670 E 1974 Connelly, Dwight (ed.), Southeast Missouri's
Dr. Harley Rutledge To Resume On-Site Summer Research, in "Skylook", n.
79, June 1974, p. 18 (About "Project
Identification") 558 E 1974 Rutledge, Harley D., Light Flashes in the Sky,
in "Phisics Today", vol. 27, 11, September 1974 (Frequent obeservations of lights in a restricted area, and a
response to a critic for Piedmont, Missouri field observations. Cit. in
222 and in 453) 353 E 1974 Moser, Don, Big Thicket of Texas, in "National
Geographic", October 1974, pp. 524-525, 528 * (A
photo is shown of the Saratoga, Texas, earth light) 430 E 1974, Birchby, S., Will o' the Wisp, in "Quest", n.
18, June 1974 (ELs and IF cases. Cit. in
251) 484 E 1974 Akers, David W., Investigation of Nocturnal
Light Phenomena, 1973 Sighting Reports from Toppenish, Washington,
unpublished ms. 205 E 1975 Fieux, R., Gary, C., Hubert, P., Artificially
triggered lightning above land, in ""Nature", vol. 257, 18 September
1975 (in biblio FLA) 460 I 1975 Riciputi, Harold, Fuochi fatui sull'Hudson, in
"Il Giornale dei Misteri", Firenze, Tedeschi, n. 47, February 1975, p. 34
* (A story is told of a "trick" organized along the
Hudson River to smuggle drug using little fiery balloons taken many times
for "ignes fatui") 629 E 1975 Taylor, John H., …, in "Phisics Today", March
1975 (An ectotoptic effect in the retina of the eye
is suggested as a cause for H. Rutledge's "lights" observations in
Piedmont, Missouri. Cit. in 453) 485 E 1975 Akers, David W, A Statistical Summary of
Reports from the Toppenish UFO Study, unpublished ms. 490 E 1975 Devereux, Paul, York, Andrew, Portrait of a
Fault Area, Part 1, in "The News", July 1975, pp. 5-19 491 E 1975 Devereux, Paul, York, Andrew, Portrait of a
Fault Area, Part 2, in "The News", October 1975, pp. 8-20 665 E 1975 Heaton, Harold I., Taylor, John H., Rutledge
Harley D., Lights in the sky [letters], in "Phisics Today", October 1975,
p. 9 (About Rutledge's "Project
Identification") 422 E 1976 Miles, Elton, Tales of the Big Bend, College
Station, Texas A&M University Press, 1976, pp. 149-167, 178-179,
chapter: "The Marfa Lights" * (A vast picture of the
legends surrounding the Marfa Lights) 708 E 1975 Arnold, John F., …, in "Beyond Reality"
magazine, United States, 1975 (Cit. in
204) 549 D 1976 Hamm, F., Naturkundliche Chronik
Nordwestdeutschlands, Germany, Landbuch Verlag, 1976 (IF sightings in Germany up to 1903. Cited in 548) 206 E 1977 Corliss, William R, Handbook of Unusual
Natural Phenomena, The Sourcebook Project, 1977, italian trans., Il libro
dei misteri naturali, Milano, Armenia, 1984, pp. 31-40 and 72-78
* 323 E 1977 Wiedenmann, C. L., Results of the New Jersey
'Spook Light' Study, in "Vestigia Newsletter", vol. 1, n. 2, Spring 1977,
pp. 1-4 334 E 1977 Helms, Harry H., UFOs that Haunt, in "Saga's
UFO Report", October 1977 ("Spooklights" and other
"haunting" lights and apparitions. Cit. in 223 and in 266) 401 F 1977 Viéroudy, Pierre (aka Berthault, Pierre), Ces
OVNI qui annoncent le surhomme, Paris, Tchou, 1977, pp. … (Repeated encouters with a a low-level ball of light in France.
Cit. in 223) 417 E 1977 Menzel, Donald H., Taves, Ernest H., The UFO
Enigma: The Definitive Explanation of the UFO Phenomenon, Garden City, New
York, Doubleday and Company, p. 58 * ("Luminous owls"
as triggers of ELs observations in Norfolk, England, between 1907 and
1922) 407 E 1977 Case of sighting of a EL in Warminster,
Wiltshire, England. Report by Andy Collins, dated February 19, 1977, pp.
4. * (A little light is seen by a group of paranormal
investigators) 462 E 1977 Michell, John, Rickard, Robert, J. M.,
Phenomena: A Book of Wonders, London, Thames & Hudson, 1977, pp.
26-27 (On Ignes Fatui) 429 E 1977 Michell, John, Rickard, Robert J. M.,
Phenomena: A Book of Wonders, London, Thames & Hudson, 1977, pp.
… (IF and ELs cases. Cit. in 251) 651 E 1978 Oldham, Laporte, UFO windows and magnetic
faults, in "MUFON UFO Journal", January 1978 207 E 1978 Wagner, William S., Visvanathan, T. R.,
Earthquake lights, A Potential Aid in Earthquake forecasting, in "E.O.S",
vol. 59, n. 4, 1978, p. 329 * ("Strange Lights" in
the United States seen as EQLs) 630 E 1978 Wagner, William, Earthquake Lights in Alaska:
A Summary of the Evidence, in "Mines & Geology Bulletin", vol. XXVII,
n. 2, pp. 6-8, June 1978 * (References to recurrent
light phenomena on the mountains around Lake Iliamna, and other areas of
Alaska) 208 I 1978 Cartier, Daniela, L'enigma delle luci
fantasma, in "Il Giornale dei Misteri", Florence, Corrado Tedeschi, n. 82,
January 1978, pp. 18-20 * (A general review of "ghost
lights" in the US, clearly based on Helms 1977) 488 E 1978 Derr, John S., Sprinkle, R. Leo, Multiple
Phenomena on Colorado Ranch, in "APRO Bulletin", vol. 27, pp. 5-8 et seq.,
1978 209 E 1978 Arnold, Larry, E., Ahoy, Mate! Which Flamin'
Phantom Ship Sails Thar?, in "Pursuit", 11:144, 1978 210 E 1978 Meteoritic Night &emdash; Glow, in "Sky
& Telescope", June 1978 (in biblio
FLA) 329 E 1978 Pattison, Chris, I met a Min-Min globe!, in
"Psychic Australian", vol. 3, n. 6, June 1978, pp. 10-13, 25 *
(Description of direct encounters with the light known as
"Min-Min") 529 E 1978 Goodavage, Joseph F., Skyquakes, Earthlights
and E. M. Fields, in "Analog", 9, 1978 482 E 1978 Wagner, W., Hube, R., McGrath, J., Spook
Light. The Vestigia Update, in "Vestigia Newsletter", vol. 2, No. 3, Fall
1978, pp. 1, 3-7 725 E 1978 Brandon, Jim, Weird America, New York, E.P.
Dutton, 1978, pp. ? (Notes about the "Marfa
Lights") 211 I 1979 Di Pietro, Pericle, Lazzaro Spallanzani,
Modena, Aedes Muratoriana, 1979, pp. 66-70, 161-171 e 236-238 *
(18th Century-end studies by Lazzaro Spallanzani on the
production of natural gases on the mountains betwwen Emilia and Tuscany,
Italy) 212 I 1979 Conti, Sergio, La fiammella di Berbenno, in
"Il Giornale dei Misteri", Florence, Corrado Tedeschi, n. 95, February
1979, pp. 14-15 * (Even if on the ground of an
isolate and secondary source, the author drew the attention of the italian
UFO community on the Berbenno's mysterious fires) 652 E 1979 Report on Current Research, in "Michigan
Anomaly Research", vol. 1, n. 1, 1979 (UFOs and
faults) 213 E 1979 Peterson, Alan W., Airglow Events visible to
the naked eye, in "Applied Optics", vol. 18, n. 20, 15 October 1979, pp.
3390-3393 * (During IR photographic observations
covering several years, some naked-eye airglow events are
recorded) 524 E 1979 Collins, Andy, The Lights of the Damned, in
"Strange Phenomena", England, n. 1, 1979, pp. 22-24 704 E 1979 …, in "MUFON UFO Journal", n. 140, 1979, p. ?
* (In October 1828, in the Cassadega swamp, in New
York state, during the inght a who went lost is followed and saved by a
strange light moving some feet over the water) 214 E 1980 Mills, Allan A., "Will o' the Wisp", in
"Chemistry in Britain", London, vol. 16, pp. 69-72, February, 1980
* (A comprehensive chemical study of the triggering
mechanisms of "ignes fatui" and a refutation of the phosphine-ignition
model) 671 E 1980 Farish, Lucius, In Others' Words: NATIONAL
ENQUIRER, 1980/06/24, On Dr. Harley Rutledge's Research Into Missouri
Sightings, in "The MUFON UFO Journal", n. 149, July 1980, p. 19
(About "Project Identification") 650 S 1980 Forshufvud, Ragnar, UFO, ett fysykalist
fenomen, in "UFO-Sverige-Aktuellt", vol. 1, n. 1, 1980, pp. (UFOs as phenomena triggered by electrical discharges in the
earth's crutst) 215 E 1980 Mc Clure Kevin, Mc Clure, Sue, Stars and
Rumours of Stars, Privately Published, 1980 * (The
most comprehensive study of the "Welsh lights" often seen in 1904-05, then
connected to a religious revival) 216 E 1980 Bearden, Thomas, E., The Excalibur Briefing,
Strawberry Hill Press, San Francisco, 1980, pp. 9-16 (The activity of Vestigia Group in the 1970s. Cit. in
257) 397 E 1980 Story, Ronald D., Encyclopedia of UFOs, "Swamp
Gas", 1980 398 E 1980 Eberhart, George, A geo-bibliography of
anomalies, 1980 (A list of more than 80 references on
Els and alike. Cit. in 223) 399 E 1980 …, in "Full Moon", Honolulu, Hawaii, July
1980 (A EL in Hawaii. Cit. in 223) 619 E 1980 Oliver, Norman, The Harston Affair, in "BUFORA
Journal", vol. 11, 1, 1980, pp. 21-23 (High-incidence
of EL in an area of central England. Cit. in 620) 672 E 1980 Hall, Richard H. (ed.), Six-Year UFO Study -
34 UFO Sightings In Region Called 'Incredible' By Physicist [Dr. Harley
Rutledge], in "The MUFON UFO Journal", n. 152, October 1980, p. 4
(About "Project Identification") 726 E 1980 Walser, Richard, North Carolina Legends,
Raleigh, NC, Department of Cultural Resources, 1980, pp. ? (Notes about the "Marfa Lights") 217 E 1981 Rutledge, Harley D., Project Identification.
The First Scientific Field Study of UFO Phenomena, Prentice Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1981 * (An "on field"
study of alleged atmospheric light phenomena in Piedmont, southern
Missouri, between 1973 and 1980) 673 E 1981 Farish, Lucius, In Others' Words: "Project
Identification" By Dr. Harley D. Rutledge, in "The MUFON UFO Journal", n.
157, March 1981, p. 19 (About "Project
Identification") 674 E 1981 Farish, Lucius, In Others' Words: THE STAR,
1981/06/09, On Dr. Harley D. Rutledge's Study Of UFOs, in "The mUFON UFO
Journal", n. 161, July 1981, p. 19 (About "Project
Identification") 675 E 1981 Farish, Lucius, In Others' Words: "Project
Identification" By Dr. Harley D. Rutledge, in "The MUFON UFO Journal", n.
162, August 1981, p. 19 (About "Project
Identification") 218 E 1981 Moravec, Mark, Ghostlights, in Proceedings of
the Sixth ACUFOS Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 1981 219 E 1981 Moravec, Mark, PSIUFO Phenomena: A Study of
UFOs and the Paranormal, ACUFOS Report D-14, Gosford, New South Wales,
Australia, 1981 220 I 1981 Ossola, Franco, Dizionario Enciclopedico di
Ufologia, Milano, SIAD, 1981, volume 1, "Fuochi fatui" and "Fuochi di Sant'Elmo", pp. 399-401 * 221 E 1981 Letter, from Mrs. Marlene-Bravo Rongstad to
Dr. Joseph Allen Hynek, 26 January 1981, reproduced in Aldrich, Jan L.,
Project 1947: A Preliminary Report on the 1947 UFO Sighting Wave, UFO
Research Coalition, 1997, p. 121-122 * (A woman
remembers sightings of an earth light in the Quilali, Nicaragua, area,
beginning in 1945. The phenomenon appears to be well-known in the
centro-american country) 400 E 1981 Kingsley, William, …, in "Pursuit", n. 54,
1981 (The Watersmeet light, England. Cit. in
223) 432 E 1981 Earp, Frank, Of Boggarts and Things, in
"Northern Earth Mysteries", n. 11, February 1981 (A
personal experience with a EL/IF. Cit. in 251) 499 E 1981 Long, Greg, Yakima Indian Reservation
Sightings, in "MUFON UFO Journal", n. 166, December 1981, p. 3 634 E 1981 Devereux, Paul, Letter, in "Common Ground", n.
2, August 1981, pp. 6-9, and replies from Hilary Evans and Jenny Randles,
pp. 10-12 * (A critical essay on Evans and Randles
skeptical positions) 500 E 1982 Long, Greg, UFO "Menagerie" on Yakima Indian
Reservation, in "MUFON UFO Journal", n. 168, February 1982, p.
8 501 E 1982 Long, Greg, Recent Indian Reservation
Sightings, in "MUFON UFO Journal", n. 169, March 1982, p. 8 676 E 1982 Farish, Lucius, In Others' Words: "Project
Identification" By Dr. Harley D. Rutledge, in "The MUFON UFO Journal", n.
167, January 1982, p. 19 (About "Project
Identification") 665 E 1982 Sheaffer, Robert, Project Identification
[review], in "Skeptical Inquirer", vol. 6, no. 3, Spring 1982, p.
68 (A strongly critical reivew of Rutledge's "Project
Identification") 502 E 1982 Long, Greg, Memories of a Lookout: UFOs on the
Yakima Indian Reservation, in "MUFON UFO Journal", n. 170, April 1982, p.
7 677 E 1982 Farish, Lucius, In Others' Words: OMNI,
1982/05, Anti-Matter/UFO Update On Dr. Harley Rutledge's Research In "Project Identification", in "The MUFON UFO Journal",
n. 171, May 1982, p. 19 (About "Project
Identification") 678 E 1982 Leet, William D., Review Of A Book Review:
Book Review By Mark Rodeghier, IUR, January 1982, CUFOS, Of "Project
Identification: The First Scientific Field Study Of UFO Phenomena" By
Harley D. Rutledge, in "The MUFON UFO Journal", n. 174, August 1982, pp.
16-17 (About "Project Identification") 679 E 1982 Farish, Lucius, In Others' Words: FATE,
1982/09, Book Review By Allan Hendry Of "Project Identification" By Dr.
Harley Rutledge, in "The MUFON UFO Journal", n. 174, August 1982, p.
19 (About "Project Identification") 507 E 1982 Rutledge, Harley D., Letter to the Editor, in
"APRO Bulletin", vol. 30, no. 11, 1982 635 E 1982 Devereux, Paul, Letter, in "Common Ground", n.
6, 1982, p. 24 * (On the so-called "Dyfed Triangle"
as a high-incidence EL area) 435 E 1982 Bauer, N. W., A Mystery Unsolved &emdash;
The Story of the Min Min Light, in "Royal Geographic Society of Australia
Bulletin", vol. 17, n. 1, January 1982, pp. 11-21 * (An important panorama of stories and legends about the Min Min
Light) 222 E 1982 Corliss, William R., Lightning, auroras,
nocturnal lights, and related luminous phenomena. A catalog of geophysical
anomalies, Glen Arm, Maryland, The Sourcebook Project, 1982, pp. 92-101,
104-110, 123-125, 127-128, 167-179 * (An enormous
number of bibliographic references to geological and meteorological
anomalies seen in the atmosphere and near ground) 404 E 1982 Bord, Janet, Bord, Colin, FSR Bookshelf - 12:
Project Identification By Dr. Harley D. Rutledge, in "Flying Saucer
Review", vol. 27, n. 4, February 1982, pp. 19-21 * (A
favourable review of Harley Rutledge's book, even if the bulk of the
experiences are seen as some kind of "creation" by the observers. Cit. in
242 and in 453) 495 E 1982 Hanners, David, Marfa Lights Convince Pair of
Geologists, in "Dallas Morning News", July 4, 1982, p. AA2 (Cit. in 267) 223 E 1982 Evans, Hilary, BOLs, in "The Probe Report",
vol. 3, n. 1, July 1982, pp. 6-19 * 646 E 1982 Earth Emits Ghostly Lights, in "Science
Digest", July 1982 (Cit. in 267) 473 E 1982 Rutledge, Harley D., Letter-to-the-Editor, in
"Science Digest", September 1982, p. 8 (Rutledge
reply to a critic of the legitimity of his on-field study) 224 E 1982 Letters, in "The Probe Report", vol. 3, n. 2,
October 1982, pp. 3-6 * (Some letters &emdash;
one of them from Hilary Evans &emdash; about "BOLs") 225 E 1982 Randles, Jenny, Under intelligent control?, in
"The Probe Report", vol. 3, n. 2, October 1982, pp. 14-16 * (Some suggestions regarding EL, "windows areas", etc.) 226 E 1982 Pippard, Brian, Ball of Fire?, in "Nature",
vol. 298, 19 August 1982 (in biblio FLA) 227 E 1982 Robins, Don, The Dragon Project and the
talking stones, in "New Scientist", October 21, 1982, pp. 166
&emdash;171 * (Ultrasound are recorded from
ancient stone circles in England) 228 E 1982 Devereux, Paul, Earth Lights, Wellingborough,
England, Turnstone, 1982 * 229 E 1982 Devereux, Paul, Forrest, Robert, Straight
lines on an ancient landscape, in "New Scientist", 28-30 December 1982,
pp. 822-826 * (The "ley lines" theory and its
possible relatioshpi with alleged unknown forms of natural
energies) 230 E 1982 Role of Naturally Occurring gas hydrates in
Sediment Transport, in "Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum
Geologists", 66:589, 1982 (in biblio FLA) 332 E 1982 …in "Fate", 1982 (A
report dealing with spooklights in Brunswick, Georgia, in 1938. Cit. in
266) 424 E 1982 Namiki, Shinichiro, Ghost Light Appeared and
Disappeared Repeatedly!, one page report, 1982 * (A
EL is seen in Japan in July 1982) 655 I 1982 Maclellan, A., The lost world of Agharti: the
mystery of vril power, London, Souvenir Press, 1982, it. trans.: Agharti
il mondo sotterraneo, Milan, Piemme, 1998, pp. 18-21 (The author tells about his sighting of a "green light" in a cave
linked to some local legends. Then, the expericence is explained as a case
of ignes fatui) 715 E 1982 J. H., [Harney, John], Review of: Devereux,
Paul, Earthlights, in "Magonia", n. 11, 1982, p. 19 * (A critical analysis of the first book about ELs) 231 S 1983 Perelman, Yakov Isidorovich, Problemas y
experimentos recreativos, Editorial MIR, 2nd ed., Moskva, 1983, pp.
104-105 (cited in 275) 680 E 1983 Rutledge, Harley D., Project Identification:
Author's Response, in "The MUFON UFO Journal", n. 179, January 1983, p.
9 (About "Project Identification") 681 E 1982 Hendry, Allan, Letter: Reviewer Response To
Author [Harley Rutledge], in "The MUFON UFO Journal", n. 182, April 1983,
p. 14 (About "Project Identification") 666 E 1983 Rutledge, Harley D., ?, in "Skeptical
Inquirer", vol. 7, no. 3, Spring 1983, p. 83 (A reply
to Sheaffer's critique. Cfr. n. 665) 649 E 1983 Mattsson, Dan, Mattsson, Carl-Anton,
Kolmården. A swedish UFO window, in "AFU Newsletter", AFU, Sweden, n. 25,
September 1982 &emdash; April 1983, pp. 1-6 * (An
area in southern Sweden is examined under the light of possible
fault-lines and geomagnetic triggering for anomalous aerial
phenomena) 232 E 1983 Coleman, Loren, Mysterious America, Faber
& Faber, Boston, 1983 (Long sections about "spook
lights" in the United States) 233 E 1983 Randles, Jenny, The Pennine UFO Mistery,
Granada Press, London, 1983 234 E 1983 Randles, Jenny, review of Devereux, Paul,
"Earthlights…", in "The Probe Report", vol. 3, n. 3, January 1983, pp.
18-19 * (An almost enthusiastic response to
Devereux's first ideas on ELs and apparently similiar
phenomena) 239 E 1983 Randles, Jenny, Warrington, Peter, The
neglected Science of UFOs, in "New Scientist", vol. 99, 10 February 1983,
pp. 380-381 * (The Authors offers the concept of
"Unidentified Atmospheric Phenomena" as a catch-all idea for natural
unknown luminous phenomena linked to geophisical events) 238 E 1983 Devereux, Paul, McCartney, Paul, Robins, Don,
Bringing UFOs down to earth, in "New Scientist", London, vol. 99, 1
September 1983, pp. 627-630 * (One of the most
comprehensive presentation of "Earthlights" approach) 656 E 1983 Campbell, Steuart, Letter, in "New Scientist",
15 September 1983, p. 799 * (Critics of the EL
theories enounced by Devereux et al.) 235 E 1983 Devereux, Paul, UFO and Faults, in "New
Scientist", 20 October 1983, p. 217 * (A defense of
the EL theory against the skeptical author Steuart Campbell) 240 E 1983 Shilton, Pam, The Min Min Light, in "Journal
of Meteorology", England, vol. 8, 1983, pp. 248-250 * (Some experiences with the Min Min Light) 463 E 1983 Mc Clure, Kevin, Serious Faults, in "Common
Ground", n. 7, 1983, pp. 7-10 (Critics of earthlights
theory) 465 E 1983 Devereux, Paul, The "Earthlights" Debate for
Defence, in "Magonia", n. 12, 1983, pp. 8-12 * (An
overall defence by the "father" of the earthlights theory) 508 E 1983 Simon, Cheryl, Looking Out for Luminous
Phenomena, in "Science News", 124, 1983, p. 412 237 E 1983 Campbell, Steuart, UFO data, in "New
Scientist", 15 December 1983, p. 799 (in biblio FLA.
Cit. in 257) 241 E 1984 Mulholland, Derral, What Are Those Lights?, in
"Science", vol. 84, 5 (2), March 1984, p. 32 (Marfa's
Lights. Cit in 405) 406 E 1984 …in "The Wall Street Journal", … March,
1984 (Marfa's Lights. Cit. in 405) 242 E 1984 Rutledge, Harley D., UFOs: A Phenomenon of
Nature, in "The Probe Report", vol. 4, n. 1, 1984 pp. 10-12 * (About "Project Identification" by Harley Rutledge) 362 E 1984 Rogerson, Peter, Review: Rutledge, Harley,
Project Identification, in "Magonia", England, n. 17, October 1984, p. 20
* (A strongly critical evaluation of "Project
Identification" authored by Harley Rutledge) 330 E 1984 Frizzell, Michael A., Investigating the Brown
Mountain Lights, in "INFO Journal", n. 43, 1984, p. 22 (Earth lights and ignes fatui in North Carolina) 492 E 1984 Evans, Hilary, Mysterious Spheres and Lights,
in "INFO Journal", vol. 10, whole no. 45, 1984, pp. 4-6 497 E 1984 Kaczmarek, Dale, The Ozark Spooklight, in
"INFO Journal", 10, whole no. 45, 1984, pp. 13-15 509 E 1984 Vardeman, J., Ghost Light of Screven, in "INFO
Journal", 10, whole no. 45, pp. 16-17 405 E 1984 Stacy, Dennis, Ghost lights remain as Marfa's
Top Attraction, in "Fort Worth Star-Telegram", August 5, 1984 *
(ELs in Marfa still a mystery despite the attempts to
explain it) 464 E 1984 Letters, in "Common Ground", n. 9, 1984, pp.
11-15 (A debate on earthlights theory) 556 I 1984 1984, Cosio, Tavio, Roche, Sarvan e Masche,
Cuneo, Centre Prouvençal Coumboscuro, 1984, pp. 223-235, 281-282 *
(A legend about a yellow "light" seen every night after WWI
in a village in the Cuneo province, on a nearby little river) 243 E 1985 Mullard, Jonathan, The Linley Lights, in "The
Ley Hunter", n. 97, Wales, Winter 1985, p. … * (A
british ELs wave in 1913-14) 244 E 1985 Devereux, Paul, New Jersey Light, in "The Ley
Hunter", n. 98, Wales, Spring 1985, p. … * (Studies
of ELs by Vestigia group in which sudden changes in geiger measures and
electrical resistivity are reported) 245 E 1985 Clarke, David W., Oldroyd, Granville H.,
Spooklights: A British Survey, Privately Published, 1985, pp. 45
(A mine of data and research on ELs seen in England, Wales,
Scotland, Ireland, France, Spain and New Zealand between 1641 and 1924. A
summary prepared by Nigel Watosn is on file by Giuseppe Stilo) 246 E 1985 Coleman, Loren, Curious Encounters, Boston,
Faber & Faber, 1985, pp. 81-84 (Studies by
Vestigia group on ELs) 247 E 1985 Screeton, Paul, an article on UFOs and
leys, in "Northern Earth Mysteries &emdash; Journal of the
Northern Earth Mysteries Group", n. 29, 1985 248 E 1985 Heselton, Philip, Larkman, Bryan, Earth
Mysteries: An exploratory Introduction, Northern Earth Mysteries Group,
c/o Philip Heselton, Hull, England, 1985 249 E 1985 Clarke, David, Cotswold Lights, in "The Ley
Hunter", Wales, n. 99, Summer-Autumn 1985 * (Mysterious lights in Cotswolds in 1923-24) 640 E 1985 Tiede, Tom, Marfa Lighs Lore: Texas
Fireflies?; in "Saginaw News", Texas, 13 October 1985 (Cit. in 267) 641 E 1985 Simon, Ted J., Marfa's Ghos lighs Persists, in
"Lubbock Avalanche Journal", Texas, 27 October 1985 (Cit. in 267) 395 E 1985 Evans, Hilary, Seeing the Lights - Part I , in
"Fate", vol. 38, n. 10, October 1985, pp. 82-87 396 E 1985 Evans, Hilary, Seeing the Lights &emdash;
Part II, in "Fate", vol. 38, n. 11, November 1985, pp. 87-92 643 E 1986 Cantor, Patricia, The Brown Mountain Lights,
in "The Ley Hunter", n. 100, 1986 (Cit. in
267) 250 I 1986 Alinei, Mario, I fuochi di S. Elmo, in
"Bollettino dell'Atlante Linguistico Mediterraneo", Fondazione Giorgio
Cini &emdash; Venezia, Giardini Editori, Pisa, n. 22-28, 1980-1986,
pp. 7-23 * 251 E 1986 Reeder, Phil, Will o' the Wisp (apt to lead
researchers astray), in "Northern Earth Mysteries", n. 30, Spring 1986,
pp. 4-10 * (A parallel between ELs and IF in brtish
literature on these matters) 326 E 1986? Roberts, Andy, 1905 West Yorkshire and the
Revival, in "UFO Brigantia", n. 21, 1986? (The light
phenomena of 1905) 252 E 1986 Kubrin, David, Devereux, Paul, Pinnacles
Light, in "The Ley Hunter", Wales, n. 101, 1986 (ELs
in USA. Cit. in 267) 253 E 1986 Devereux, Paul, Mc Cartney, Paul, Robbins,
Peter, Earth Lights, in "Anomaly", ASSAP &emdash; London, n. 1, 1986,
pp. 10-18 * 254 E 1986 Devereux, Paul, …, in "Magonia", n. 22-23,
1986 (on Earth Lights) 255 E 1986 Seal, James, Luminous Aerial Bubble, Personal
communication, 25 June 1986, in Corliss, William R., "Science Frontiers",
n. 47, September-October 1986 (in biblio
FLA) 642 E 1986 Stewart, Richard, Bragg Road is a Spooky Place
to Go, in "Texas Chronichle", 31 October 1986 (Cit.
in 267) 644 E 1986 Kingsley, William, Ghost Lights, in "Pursuit",
4, 1986 (Cit. in 267) 421 E 1986 Batchler, Janet Newton, "Seeing the Lights",
in "Fate", August, 1986, p. 127 * (A series of
"luminous balls" seen in Mojave Desert, California, in 1932) 437 E 1986 Llowarch (pseud.), Those lights in the sky, in
"Cambrian News", Wales, September 19, 1986 * (ELs in
Wales) 442 E 1986 Llowarch (pseud.), A mine of experience, in
"Cambrian News", Wales, November 14, 1986 * (ELs and
strange "hummings" in Dylife, Wales) 453 E 1986 Rutledge, Harley D., Project Identification:
Thirteen Years and One-Hundred and Sixty Sightings Later, in "MUFON 1986
Symposium Proceedings &emdash; UFOs. Beyond the mainstream of science,
June 27, 28 & 29, 1986", 1986, pp. 162-174 * (Rutledge recaps his on-field study reply to some
critics) 647 E 1986 Brady, Brian T., Rowell, Glen A., The
Laboratory Investigation of the Electrodynamics of Rock Fracture, in
"Nature", 29 May 1986 648 E 1986 Derr, John E., Luminous Phenomena and their
Relationship to Rock Fracture, in "Nature", 29 May 1986 645 E 1986 Clarke, David, Haunted Hills and Spooky Spots,
in "UFO Brigantia", n. 22, 1986 (Cit. in
267) 506 E 1986 Rutkowski, Chris, Earthlights, Earthquakes,
UFOs and TST, in "International UFO Reporter", vol. 11, no. 1, 1986, pp.
4-8 256 E 1987 Atwater, P. M. H., Pine Bush Lights, in "The
Ley Hunter", Wales, n. 103, 1987 (ELs in
USA) 369 E 1987, Collins, Andy, Mount Athos, in "The Ley
Hunter", Wales, n. 104, 1987 (ELs on the famous greek
mountain. Cit. in 368) 257 E 1987 Rutkowski, Chris, Ufos as natural phenomena,
in Evans, Hilary, Spencer, John (eds.), UFOs 1947-1987. The 40-Year Search
for an Explanation, Fortean Tomes, London, 1987, pp. 275-6 * 258 E 1987 Clarke, David W., Oldryd, Granville H.,
British Spooklights, in Evans, Hilary, Spencer, John (eds.), UFOs
1947-1987. The 40-Year Search for an Explanation, Fortean Tomes, London,
1987, pp. 280-284 * 259 E 1987 Randles, Jenny, …, in "Northern UFO News", n.
124, 1987 (Mysterious Lights in Devon during
WWI) 260 E 1987 …, in "Magonia", n. 24, 1987 (About Earth Lights. Also an article by David Clarke on
ELs) 716 E 1987 Campbell, Steuart, Letter, in "Magonia", n.
25, March 1987, pp. 11-12 * (The Author alledges that
"spooklights" could be a particular kind of mirage) 717 E 1987 Devereux, Paul, Earthlights, in "Magonia", n.
25, March 1987, pp. 5-6 * (A defence of Els theory
against its critics) 718 E 1987 Evans, Hilary, Earthlights, in "Magonia", n.
25, March 1987, pp. 6-8 * (A review of theories about
"BOLs") 719 E 1987 Rogerson, Peter, One measures a circle…, in
"Magonia", n. 26, June 1987, pp. 9-11 * (Links
between Els, UFOs, poltergeist and witchcraft) 637 E 1987 Devereux, Paul, Ufological Pie, in "BUFORA
Bulletin", n. 27, 1987, pp. 4-6 * (The UFO phenomena
as slice of a pie in which Els are the real novelty) 638 E 1987 Merron, John, The Orb-Server, in "BUFORA
Bulletin", n. 27, 1987, pp. 7-9 * (The "Gaia
hypothesis" as an extension of Devereux' theories) 639 E 1987 McCartney, Paul, Earthlights &emdash; My
Experience, ten Years On, in "BUFORA Bulletin", n. 27, 1987, pp. 10-12
* (Even if ELs are a major discovery, the ETH can't
be completely discounted) 261 F 1987 Clarke, David W., Oldroyd, Granville H.,
Lueurs fantomes, in "OVNI-Présence", n. 37-38, Juillet 1987, pp. 18-19
* (Similarities between UFOs and earth lights.
British cases in 1915-16 and in 1923) 724 E 1987 Stacy, Dennis, The Marfa Lights, in "MUFON UFO
Journal", n. 235, November 1987, pp. 3-7 366 E 1987 Frizzell, Michael A., Walls, George, Stalking
Those Mysterious Lights, in "Pursuit Magazine", Fourth Quarter,
1987 487 E 1988 Bunch, Kyle J., White, Michael K., The Riddle
of the Colorado Ghost Lights, in "Skeptical Inquirer", vol. 12, no. 3,
Spring 1988, pp. 306-309 720 E 1988 Maugé, Claude, Devereux, Paul, The Earthlights
Debate, in "Magonia", n. 29, April 1988, pp. 9-10 * (Pros and cons of Earthlights theory) 368 E 1988 Devereux, Paul, Earthlights, in Spencer, John,
Evans, Hilary (eds.), Phenomenon, Futura Publications, London, 1988, pp.
316-328 * (Geologically related light phenomena;
Welsh light phenomena of 1904-5 and 1977; Lights in Shorpshire, England,
in 1913; Project Pennine; EQLs; direct sightings by Devereux, BLs;
triboluminescence mechanisms; "lights" and leys; geo-psychic
interactions) 262 E 1988 Clarke, David W., Spooklights, in Spencer,
John, Evans, Hilary (eds.), Phenomenon, Futura Publications, London, 1988,
pp. 308-315 * 263 E 1988 Newby Luce, Cynthia, Brazilian Spooklights, in
"Fortean Times", n. 49, winter 1987-88, p. 40 * (The
"Mae de Ouro" phenomenon, a spheric little light seen by many people,
including the Author, in a rural area of the brazilian state of Rio de
Janeiro for at least 150 years) 264 E 1988 Dayton, Sylvia, The underwater light
fantastic, in "New Scientist", 25 August 1988, p. 32 * (Glowing vents are discovered in the Atlantic Ocean) 265 E 1988 Brueske, Judith, Encountering "The Lights", in
"The Desert Candle", 2:1, July &emdash; August 1988 (in biblio FLA) 486 E 1988 Brueske, Judith M., The Marfa Lights, Alpine,
Texas, Ocotillo Enterprises, pp. 51 503 E 1988 Long, Greg, UFOs on the Yakima Indian
Reservation, in "Wildfire", vol. 3, no. 3, January 1988, pp.
8-11 667 E 1988 Persinger, Michael A., Geophysical variables
and behavior: L. Indications of a tectonic strain factor in the Rutledge
(UFO) observations during 1973 in Southeastern Missouri, in "Perceptual
and Motor Skills", 1988, n. 67, pp. 571-575 510 E 1988 Van Sant, Peter, Ghost Lights of Marfa, Texas,
CBS TV News, October 31, 1988 354 I 1988 Valli, Wanda Gli "Ufo" sono tornati, in "Il
Lavoro", Geona, Italy, (Genoa Edition) 21 September 1988 * (A light is often seen on Mount Prela, near Genoa,
Italy) 355 I 1988 Coppini, Guido, E la notte tutto un paese in
cerca di Ufo, "Stampa Sera", Turin, Italy, 22 September 1988 *
(A light is often seen on Mount Prela, near Genoa,
Italy) 356 I 1988 w.v., Torriglia col naso in su. Un uomo e una
donna: "Abbiamo visto gli ufo", in "Il Lavoro", Genoa, Italy, 24 September
1988 * (A light is often seen on Mount Prela, near
Genoa, Italy) 357 I 1988 Enquiry by Vittorio Crosa, Genoa, Italy (2
pp.), dated 24 September 1988 * (A light is often
seen on Mount Prela, near Genoa, Italy) 358 I 1988 Tempera, Antonio, Sul monte degli Ufo, in "Il
Secolo XIX" , Genoa, Italy, (Genoa Edition), 29 September 1988 *
(A light is often seen on Mount Prela, near Genoa,
Italy) 359 I 1988 Jappelli, Franco, Si trova in Liguria la
capitale degli Ufo, in "Giornale d'Italia", Rome, Italy, 5 November 1988
* (A light is often seen on Mount Prela, near Genoa,
Italy) 360 I 1988 Caravella, Maurizio,"E' qui il parcheggio
degli Ufo", in "La Domenica del Corriere", Milan, Italy, n. 46, 10
November 1988, pp. 18-19 * (A light is often seen on
Mount Prela, near Genoa, Italy) 361 I 1988 Enquiry by Roberto Balbi and Emy Balbi, Genoa,
Italy (6 pp.), dated 28 November 1988 * (A light is
often seen on Mount Prela, near Genoa, Italy) 266 E 1989 Evans, Hilary, Frontiers of Reality. Where
Science Meets the Paranormal, Wellingborough, The Aquarian Press, England,
1989, Chapter 3: Ball of Light, pp. 42-62 * (Phenomena in Hessdalen, Norway; Project BOLIDE; ignes fatui;
sample of problematic cases from various parts of the world; Project
Identification by Harley Rutledge; anomalous fireballs and BLs; foo
fighters; evidence of purposes in BOLs behaviour?; the Welsh Revival of
1904-5; hallucinations and BOLs; theories of "organic BOLs") 327 E 1989 Rutkowski, Chris, Geophisical and Atmospheric
Intercation, Chapter 2 of Evans, Hilary, Frontiers of Reality. Where
Science Meets the Paranormal, Aquarian Press, Wellingborough, England,
1989, pp. 32-41 * (Natural electromagnetism;
piezoelectricity, triboluminescence and plasmas as ways of explaining
UFOs; EQLs, Michael Persinger's TST; "Spooklights" in various locations of
US and Canada; problems with TST; Paul Deverux' theories) 267 E 1989 Devereux, Paul, (with David Clarke, Andy
Roberts and Paul McCartney), Earth Lights Revelation: UFOs and Mystery
Lightform Phenomena, the Earth's Secret Energy Force, London, Blandford
Press, 1989, pp. 254, 40 color illust. (Reviewed in
"Folklore Frontiers" n. 10, p. 15 and in "Journal of UFO Studies, New
Series, vol. 2, 1990) 269 I 1989 Spada, Dario, Gnomi, fate, folletti e altri
esseri fatati in Italia, Milan, SugarCo, 1989, pp. 14, 17-18, 26-27, 55,
64, 73, 92-93, 98-99, 142-145, 195, 229, 250-1, 296, 338 * (A sort of encyclodepedia of mythical entities in italian
folklore, with several references to earth lights and ignes fatui,
especially in the northern region of the country) 393 E 1989 Stacy, Dennis, The Marfa Lights: A Viewer's
Guide, San Antonio (Texas), Seale and Stacy, 1989 (cit. in 391) 721 E 1990 Rimmer, John, Book Reviews, Devereux, Paul,
Earthlights, in "Magonia", n. 35, January 1990, p. 19 * (A sympathetic review of the second book authored by
Devereux) 270 E 1990 Noyes, Ralph, review of: Devereux, Paul,
"Earthlights Revelation: UFOs and Mystery Lightform Phenomena, the Earth's
Secret Energy Force", in "MUFON UFO Journal", n. 263, March 1990, pp.
15-16 * 722 E 1990 Evans, Hilary, Review: Long, Greg, Examining
the Earthlight Theory, in "Cuadernos de Ufologia", n. 8, May 1990, p. 100
* (The reviewer considers this book as one of the
most important case studies in ufology history) 271 E 1990 Long, Greg, Earthlights: Science or
Revelation?, in "International UFO Reporter", CUFOS, vol. 15, n. 3,
May-June 1990, pp. 13-14, 23 * (in SDE
7/90) 653 I 1990 Cave, P., Foreman, L., Sentinelle alla
finestra, in "I Misteri dell'Ignoto: UFO ed Extraterrestri", Milan, CDE
Gruppo Mondadori, 1990, pp. 133-135 * (Generalities
about Yakima lights, "Project Identification" by H. Rutledge and
Hessdalen) 272 E 1990 Devereux, Paul, The 'Earth Lights' Approach to
the UFO Problem, in "Journal of UFO Studies", CUFOS, Chicago, Illinois,
New Series, vol. 2, 1990, pp. 100-104 * (A general
exposition of the "terrain-related phenomena" model and its autonomy
respect to Persinger's TSH) 273 E 1990 Devereux, Paul, Response to my critics, in
"Journal of UFO Studies", CUFOS, Chicago, Illinois, New Series, vol. 2,
1990, pp. 151-159 * (A defense of Earth Lights
approach against critics such as M. Grosso, D. M. Jacobs, C. A. Rutkowski
and M. D. Swords) 273 E 1990 Neish, William, J. P., Lightning Phenomena in
the Drakensberg Mountains of Natal, RSA, in "Journal of Meteorology",
England, vol. 15, n. 154 1990, pp. 377-391 (in biblio
FLA) 494 E 1990 Frizzell, Michael A., The Enigma Project, in
"The INFO Journal", n.59, March 1990, pp. 18-22 274 E 1990 Devereux, Paul, Places of Power, London,
Blandford, 1990 474 E 1990 Nayak, Nerendra, The Ghost Light?, in "Indian
Skeptic", vol. 3, n. 2, June 1990 * (A skeptical
approach to a EL seen since 1982 in Padubidri, near Mangalore,
India) 505 E 1990 Ouellet, Marcel, Book Reviews: Earth Lights
Revelation by Paul Devereux, in "Journal of UFO Studies", New Series, vol.
2, 1990, pp. 191-??? 480 F 1990 Lantieri, Marie-Françoise, L'allumeur de feux
follets, in "Science & Vie", France, n. 874, July, 1990 * (Archaeobacteries as a trigger for IF) 275 S 1990 Noguez, Luis Ruiz, Fuegos de San Elmo, in
"Cuadernos de Ufologia", Spain, vol. 2, n. 9-10, September - December
1990, pp. 153-157 * 276 E 1990 Basterfield Keith, Godic, Vladimir, Godic
Pony, Rodeghier Mark, Australian ufology: A Review, in "Journal of UFO
Studies", CUFOS, Chicago, Illinois, New Series, vol. 2, 1990, p. 21
* (The "Min Min Lights" often seen in Boulia, New
South Wales) 445 E 1990 Ouellet, Marcel, Eartquake lights and
seismicity, in "Nature", vol. 348, 6 December, 1990, p. 492 * (Recurrent lights seen by qualified observers in Quebec in 1988-89
are linked to electro-atmospheric discharges, i. e. Saint Elmo's
Fires) 392 E 1990 Long, Greg, Examinig the Earhlight Theory: The
Yakima UFO Microcosm, Chicago, J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies,
1990 446 E 1990? Devereux, Paul, …review to Long, Greg,
Examining the Earthlight Theory, in "The Ley Hunter", Wales, n. 113,
1990? (Cit. in 443) 633 E 1990 Clark, Jerome, The Yakima Lights, in "Fate",
n. 485, August 1990, pp. 35-39 * (A review of the
phenomenon often seen in the woods of the state of Washington) 277 I 1991 001IF1991 Lapucci, Carlo, Dizionario delle
figure fantastiche, Firenze, Vallardi, 1991, pp. * 278 I 1991 Gabrielli Rosi, Carlo, Leggende e luoghi della
paura tra Liguria e Toscana, Volume I - La Spezia, Pacini Editore, Pisa,
1991, pp. 155-158 * 279 I 1991 Gabrielli Rosi, Carlo, Leggende e luoghi della
paura tra Liguria e Toscana, Volume I - La Spezia, Pacini Editore, Pisa,
1991, pp. 11, 20, 41-43, 144, 153, 210, 217, 227, 248-249 * 280 E 1991 Clarke, David, Ghosts and Legends of the Peak
District, Jarrold, England, 1991 444 E 1991 …review of Long, Greg, Examining the
Earthlight Theory, in "Fortean Times", n. 61, 1991, p. 59 (Cit. n 443) 475 E 1991 Long, James, An Observation of the Famous
Marfa Lights, in "Electronic Newsletter of Georgia Skeptics", vol. 4, n.
3, May-June 1991 * (A prudent evaluation of a
personal experience with the "Marfa Lights" by a skeptic) 448 F 1991 St.-Laurent, France, Effet Couronne et
Décharges Electro-Atmospheriques, in "The Journal of Meteorology",
England, vol. 16, n. 161, September, 1991, pp. 238-241 * (Recurrent lights seen by qualified observers in Quebec in 1988-89
are linked to electro-atmospheric discharges, i. e. Saint Elmo's
Fires) 449 F 1991 Saint-Laurent, France, Phénomènes Lumineux et
Tremblements de Terre. Témoignages Québécois, in "Astronomie-Québec",
November- December, 1991, pp. 12-13 * (Recurrent
lights seen by qualified observers in Quebec in 1988-89 are linked to
electro-atmospheric discharges, i. e. Saint Elmo's Fires) 489 E 1991 Devereux, Paul (editor), Earth Lights Update,
in "The Ley Hunter", n. 114, 1991, pp. 2-11 281 I 1992 Paganoni, Cecilia, Racconti e leggende di
Valtellina e Valchiavenna, Sondrio, Litografia Polaris, Italy, 1992, pp.
59-60 * 282 I 1992 Davolio, Maurizio, Pezzarossa, Fulvio,
Leggende della Val d'Aosta, Reggio Emilia, AGE Grafico - editoriale, 1992,
pp. 49-67 * (A text written in the late '60s with
several references to "lumini", "processioni dei morti" and ignes fatui on
the Val d'Aosta, a part of Reggio Emilia province, in northern
Italy) 283 E 1992 Derr, John, Persinger, Michael A., Fluid
Injection causes luminous Phenomena, Paper presented at the
11th Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration,
Princeton New Jersey, June 11, 1992 (in biblio
FLA) 284 E 1992 Lindee, Herbert, Ghost Lights of Texas, in
"Skeptical Enquirer", vol. 16, 1992, p. 400-406 * (Skeptical study on the earth lights of Marfa and Saratoga, Texas,
alleges they are due to mirages and distant car lights) 391 E 1992 Clark, Jerome, Unexplained! 347 Strange
sightings, Incredible Occurrences, and Puzzling Physical Phenomena,
Detroit, Visible Ink Press, 1992, pp. 145-155 * (The
Author presents an historical overview of EL's phenomena putting the
accent on the welsh wave of 1905, on the Yakima, and Hessdalen sightings.
He expresses some skepticism about Paul Devereux's and Michael Persinger's
approaches) 443 E 1992 Devereux, Paul, Fault Lines and Light Balls,
in "Fortean Times", n. 61, February-March, 1992, p. 64 * (Some remarks on Greg Long theory by the father of "Earthlights"
concept) 669 E 1992 Rutledge, Harley D., How UFOs Changed My
Destiny, in "Fate", n. 508, July 1992, pp. 74-80 (About "Project Identification") 682 E 1982 Farish, Lucius, In Others' Words: FATE,
1992/07, Article By Dr. Harley Rutledge On His Missouri UFO Research, in
"The MUFON UFO Jorunal", n. 292, August 1992, p. 22 (About "Project Identification") 481 F 1992 Archaeobactéries et feux follets, in "Science
& Vie", France, n. 900, September 1992 * (Archaeobacteries as a trigger for IF) 476 E 1992 Long, Rebecca, The Marfa Lights Revisited: "We
became one with the Lights!", in "Electronic Newsletter of Georgia
Skeptics", vol. 5, n. 6, November-December 1992 * (Marfa Lights are strongly related with car headlights) 285 I 1993 Dalbosco Alberta, Brughi, Carla, Entità fatate
della Padania, Milano, Edizioni Terre di Mezzo, 1993, pp. 143-146
(Chapter: "Lusuri ed altre luci fatate") * 286 E 1993 Fletcher, Chris, Letter, in in "Mercian
Mysteries", England, n. 17, 1993 287 E 1993 Stonehill, Paul, Anomalous phenomena and
legends of the Taiga dwellers, in "Strange Magazine" n. 12, Fall-Winter
1993, p. … * (Mysterious, recurring lights ed
entities of the Jack-o'-Lantern kind in the russian Far East) 288 E 1993 Collins, Camilla A., The biography of a local
legend, in "North Carolina Folklore Journal", n. 40, Winter-Spring 1993,
pp. 30-35 (A EL associated with a railroad accident
in North Carolina, USA) 658 E 1993 Travis, John, Probing the Unsolved Mysteries
of the Deep, in "Science", vol. 259, 19 February 1993, pp. 1123-1124
* (Bioluminescence far below the ocean's
surface) 289 E 1993 Emsley, John, Graveyard ghosts are a gas, in
"New Scientist", 19 June 1993, p. 15 * 701 E 1993 Williams, Rosemary, The Marfa Lights - A
Mystery, in "Texas Highways", July 1993 * (Some
direct eyewitnesses, old reports and theories about "Marfa
Lights") 290 E 1993 Gassmann, Günter, Glindemann, Dietmar,
Phosphane (PH3) in the Biosphere, in "Angew. Chem. Int - Ed.
Engl", vol. 32, n. 15, 1993, pp. 761-763 * 291 F 1993 Evans, Hilary, Boules de lumière: les seuls
véritables OVNI?, in Pinvidic, Thierry (sous la direction de), OVNI: Vers
une Anthropologie d'un Mythe Contemporain, Brest, Heimdal, 1993, pp.
215-227 * 292 F 1993 Evans, Hilary, Pleins feux sur les boules de
lumière, in "Ovni Présence", n. 52, December 1993, pp. 27-33 * 657 E 1993 Persinger, Michael A., Derr John S.,
Geophysical variables and behavior: LXXIV. Man-made fluid injections into
the crust and reports of luminous phenomena (UFO reports) &emdash; Is
the strain field an aseismically propagating hydrological pulse?, in
"Perceptual and motor skills", vol. 77, 1993, pp. 1059-1065 * (Acording to the Authors, the prediction that injections of fluids
into the upper crust can trigger aerial luminous phenomena is supported by
the empirical evidence) 427 E 1993 Randall, E. Floyd, Ghost Lights, and other
Encounters with the Unknown, Little Rock, Arkansas, House Publisher,
1993 293 I 1994 Fantozzi, Paolo, Paure e spaure. Le leggende
della provincia di Lucca, Lucca, Mauro Baroni & C., 1994, p 81
(paragraph "I fuochi fatui", on a legend regarding the hamlet of
Palagnana, near Pescaglia, oin the italian province of Lucca) and pp.
169-70 (paragraph "Piccolo dizionario degli esseri fantastici della
provincia di Lucca", under: "Fuochi Fatui", "Lumetti, luminotti" and
"Serpente volastro") * 294 I 1994 Teodorani, Massimo, Sviluppo ed uso di
strumentazione di tipo astronomico per il monitoraggio di UFO: un progetto
di ricerca per lo studio della fisica degli UFO, Bologna, Andromeda,
Collana Inediti n. 76, 1994 295 I 1994 Teodorani, Massimo, Piano di ricerca per
l'acquisizione e analisi di dati UFO, Bologna, Andromeda, Collana Inediti,
1994 296 E 1994 Devereux, Paul, Beyond Ufology: Meeting with
the Alien, in "The New Ufologist", England, n. 1, June 1994, pp. 4-12
* (in SDE 11/94) 297 E 1994 Little, Gregory L., Grand Illusions, White
Buffalo Books, Memphis, Tennessee, 1994, pp. 120-122, 174-176 *
(Generalities about EL, an EL in Farrenberg, Missouri, plus
an american native eyewtiness in a 1914 book) 298 I 1994 Bertini, Alberto, Pioggia di sangue in un
cielo con due lune, in "Scienza & Paranormale", Milan, Italy, CICAP,
a. I. n. 1, maggio 1994, p. 37 * (In 1832, following
an earthquake, in Calabria ignes fatui and other celestial phenomena are
reported. Possibly the original source of this story is cited in
Cantalupi, Tiziano, Terremoti, Milano, Armenia Editore, 1990) 428 E 1994 Guiley, Rosemary, Atlas of the Mysterious in
North America, New York, Facts on File, 1994 459 E 1994 Kozicka, Maureen, The Mystery of the Min-Min
Light, Mount Molloy, Queensland, Private Publication, 1994, p. 136,
ill. 461 E 1994 Clarke, David, The Luminous Owls of Norfolk,
in "Fortean Studies", n. 1, London, John Brown, 1994, pp. 50-58
("Luminous owls" as triggers of ELs observations) 477 E 1995 French, Alan, The expectation and Desire fot
the Unusual, in "Journal fo the Inquiring Skeptics of Upper New York",
vol. 1, n. 1, 1995 * (A skeptical approach to Marfa
Lights) 299 I 1995 Papò, Alessandro, Fantasmi in Sabina, Rieti,
Edizioni B. I. G., 1995, pp. 63-64 * (A case,
collected by the Author, is described in which in 1961 two women saw in
the italian province of Rieti a "grossa fiammella di candela" moving
mid-air in the open country) 300 I 1995 Le fiammelle della piana di Caiolo, p. 3,
December 30, 1995, posted on the Internet site
http://mail.aegi.it/vvo/turismo/caiolo/legg.htm * 301 E 1995 Curtis, Mira, Long-lived bubbles in the
Atmosphere, August 1984, in "Journal of Meteorology", England, vol. 20,
1995, p. 214 (in biblio FLA) 364 E 1995 Dongo, Tom, Bradshaw, Linda, Merging
Dimensions: The Opening Portals of Sedona, Hummingbird Publishing, USA,
1995 (A lot of black-and-white photos taken in
Sedona, Arizona, showing alleged transparent balls of light near ground by
two followers of "New Age" approaches) 452 E 1995 Devereux, Paul, Strand, Erling, Earth light
expedition. Australia October 1995, unpublished paper, p. 11 *
(A technical report on a trip to Western Australia to study
the "Min Min lights") 479 I 1995 Stilo, Giuseppe, Le "sfere di fuoco" di
Iporanga, in "Il Giornale dei Misteri", Firenze, Corrado Tedeschi, a. XXV,
n. 288, October 1995, pp. 62-64 * (A ufological group
from Brazil relates the sightings of a "fireball" and other aerial
phenomena which allegedly occur in Iporanga, Sao Paulo state, at least
since 1935. The ufologists shows a number of photos and films which they
took in Iporanga. The phenomenon is locally known as "Mae de Ouro", i. e.
"Golden Mother") 668 D 1995 Rutledge, Harley D., Wissenschaftliche
Felduntersuchungen von UFOs, in Ludwiger, Illobrand von (ed.), "UFOs -
Zeugen und Zeichen" Berlin, Edition q, 1995, pp. 201-216 (1970's "Project Identification") 493 E 1995 Evans, Hilary, Ball Lightning in the Wider
Context, in "The INFO Journal", Winter 1995, pp. 6-19 524 E 1995 Christensen, Jo-Anne, Ghost Stories of
Saskatchewan, Toronto, Ontario, Hounslow Press, 1995, pp. 100-108
(The Tabor ELs has been observed there between 1905 and
1938) 302 I 1996 Reffo, Mario Paolo, Letter, p. 2 with a map
attached, Varallo Sesia, to the editor in chief of "Il Giornale dei
Misteri", Firenze, June 8, 1996 * (Recurrent sighting
of a EL known as the "s-ciarùn" in the valley of little river Mastallone,
in the italian provicne of Vercelli, between 1947 and 1950) 303 I 1996 Letter, followed by some remarks by ufologist
Pier Luigi Sani, in "Il Giornale dei Misteri", Firenze, Corrado Tedeschi,
a. XXVI, n. 299, September 1999, p. 66 * 304 E 1996 Smith, Wann, Equels, William, Old Faithful of
the Ozarks, in "Fate", ottobre 1996, pp. 33-36 * (ELs
of the Ozark are reported at least since 1836. A review of conventional
explanations) 305 E 1996 Clarke, David, Roberts, Andy, Twilight of the
Celtic Gods, Blandford, 1996 686 E 1996 O'Brien, Christopher, Mysterious Valley, New
York, St. Martin's Press, 1996 (Tacoma, Washington,
phenomena) 365 E 1996 Frizzell, Michael A., The Hebron Light and
Others, 1996, document posted on the web site
http://research.umbc.edu/~frizzell/, home of the Maryland-based "The
Enigma Project" * (Direct investigations about
Maryland and Marfa, Texas, ELs) 478 E 1997 Devereux, Paul, Letters to the Editor:
Tectonic Events and Light Phenomena, in "International UFO Reporter, vol.
22, n. 1, Spring 1997, pp. 23-25 * (Light phenomena
and geodinamic in England) 389 I 1997 Mistero e realtà. Almanacco del Soprannaturale
nei secoli, Milan, Selezione del Reader's Digest, May 1997, pp. 78-79,
228-229, 322-323, 344-345, 401. * (Some parapgraphs
and pages dedicated to ignes fatui, and ELs, such "ball of fire" in
Jerusalem in year 363, in 1663 in Robozero, Russia, in Marfa, in Wales in
1905, in Australia in the '50s and so on ) 388 E 1997 UFO Sightings abound in Western Piedmont, in
"The News & Observer", Raleigh, North Carolina, 24 May 1997 *
(Some recent sightings and mixed reactions on the alleged
hot area studied in the '70s by H. Rutledge) 306 D 1997 Krumnow, Jürgen, Das rätselhafte Licht im
Briselanger Wald, in "Journal für UFO Forschung", GEP; Mannheim, Heft 112,
n. 4, July-August 1997, pp. 126-128 * (There is only
one area in Germany where earth lights are regularly reported, the
Briselanger Forest near Berlin. The author, a local journalist, is able to
show that the lights which were first observed 20 yeras ago are due to car
lights from a near highway) 307 E 1997 Pentecost, Allan, Downie, Tym, Mekong Mystery,
in "New Scientist" , 6 September 1997, pp. ... * (Mysterious lights along the river Mekong, Thailand) 308 E 1997 Brookesmith, Peter, Devereux, Paul, UFOs &
UFOlogy &emdash; The First 50 Years, Blandford, London, 1997, chapter:
"Planet Earth's UFOs - Chasing the wild lights", pp. 138-159 *
(A comprehensive presentation of the earthlights approach to
aerial phenomena, with particular attention devoted to american, british,
norwegian and australian "on field" research on anomalous light
phenomena) 309 E 1997 Wayne, Anthony, Haunted Derbyshire, Beeston
Books, England, 1997 310 E 1997 or 1998, Paul (?), On the "Nekha lights" of
the Mekong River, in "New Scientist", not identified issue published in
1997 or 1998 * (Some additional information on the
lights, which seems to occur also in a different era of the river. They
have been also filmed by Thai tv) 311 E 1998 Clarke, David, Peakland spooklights, in "At
the Edge", England, n. 10, 1998 * (ELs in
England) 387 E 1996 Clarke, David, The Haunted Valley, in "Fortean
Times", n. 107, February 1998, pp. 38-42 * (About the
"Pennine Lights") 312 E 1998 Phanom, Sitthiporn Na Nakom, Naga Rockets of
Nong Khai, in "Kinnaree", Bangkok, vol. 15, n. 9, September 1998 *
(Some information about the "mysterious balls of light" that
allegedly burst from the Mekong River on the full moon day on each
October) 372 E 1998 Amber Gamblers, E-Mail to stories@ghosts.org
web address and downloaded from the web site
http://www.ghosts.org/ghostlights/ghostlights.html, 7 September 1998
* (Generalities about ELs) 707 E 1998 Caton, Daniel B., A Scientific Investigation
of the Brown Mountain Lights. Final Summary Report. 1997-98 University
Research Council Competitive Grants Program, Appalachian State University,
Boone, North Carolina, 1 October 1998 * (A summary of
an investigation with technical instruments about the so-called "Brown
Mountain Light") 706 E 1998 Caton, Daniel B., Close Encounters of the
Skeptical Kind, in "The Observer", Charlotte, North Carolina, 6 October
1998, p. 13A * (Some experiences with the "Brown
Mountain Light" by a skeptical astronomer) 380 E 1999 Cole, Charles Michael, The Ghosts of Scugog
Island, E-Mail to obiwan@ghosts.org, USA, 24 December 1998 and downloaded
from the web site http://www.ghosts.org/ghostlights/ghostlights.html
* (ELs in an island of Ontario, Canada) 385 E 1998 Taylor, Troy, Sand Mountain Ghost light, text
downloaded from an unidentified web site, 1998 * (EL
in Mount Sterling, Kentucky) 322 E 1998 Evans, Hilary, From other Worlds: Aliens,
abductions and UFOs, Pleasantville, New York, Reader's Digest, 1998
(With several references to BOLs) 623 I 1998 Feijóo, Samuel, Miti e leggende cubane, Padua,
Italy, Arcana Editrice, 1998, pp. 194-217, trans. From spanish Mitología
Cubana, La Habana, Editorial Letras Cubanas, 1996 (A
lot of references to "candle &emdash; balls" and mysterious lights
often seen in Cuba and entered in the folkloric heritage of the
island) 466 E 1998 Dash, Mike, Borderlands, 1998, it. trans. Al
di là dei confini, Milan, Corbaccio, 1999, pp. 132-133, 248-260 *
("Spook lights" in Japan; from ley lines to different
aspects of P. Deverux and M. Persinger approaches to the earthlights. A
general but critical introduction) 313 I 1999 MacDonald, I. R., Emissioni naturali di
petrolio, in "Le Scienze", italian edition of "Scientific American",
Milan, Italy, n. 365, January 1999, pp. 23-37 (SIL-CAB) 564 I 1999 Una Hessdalen tutta italiana, in "Notiziario
UFO", February 1999, p. 6 * (Some sketchy details
about reiterated ELs in the italian region of Mounts Sibillini) 315 I 1999 Teodorani, Massimo, Fenomeni luminosi
nell'atmosfera. Ultima frontiera della nuova fisica?, in Atti del Primo
Convegno Internazionale "Le terre della Sibilla Appenninica: Antico
Crocevia di Idee, Scienza e Cultura", Amandola (Ascoli Piceno) 6-8-
novembre 1998, Progetto Elissa, 1999, pp. 209-237 317 I 1999 Teodorani, Massimo, Gli UFO e le scienze
fisiche. Un possibile approccio al problema, Bologna, Società Editrice
Andromeda, Collana "Inediti" sezioni Tecnologia/Scienza n. 130, 1999, p.
44 (A speech on experimental ufology delivered at 7th World
Symposium on Unidentified Fyling Objects, which took place in San Marino,
May 28-30, 1999) 318 I 1999 Turchi, Massimo, Lodovisi, Gaetano, La Via
Romea da Modena a Pistoia attraverso la terra di Fanano. Storia e leggende
lungo il percorso, [s.l.; stampa: Pavullo], c/o gli autori [stampa:
Tipolitografia Azzi], [s.d.; stampa: 1999], pp. 192 e 214 * 382 E 1999 St. Louis Light, E-Mail to stories@ghosts.org,
USA, 27 February 1999 and downloaded from the web site
http://www.ghosts.org/ghostlights/ghostlights.html * (ELs in St. Louis,
Saskatchewan, Canada) 664 I 1999 E-mails from Roberto Vallone, Perugia, Italy,
to Massimo Silvestri, Bologna, Italy, 30 March and 19 April 1999 * (A
speleologist observes a sort of ball of light in a cave in a the province
of Perugia, Italy, in December 1997) 375 E 1999 Willis, Missy, Curry, Tiffany, Warf, Robert,
Chapel Hill Light, E-Mail to obiwan@ghosts.org, USA, 1 April 1999 and
downloaded from the web site
http://www.ghosts.org/ghostlights/ghostlights.html * (The Chapel Hill
Light in Tennessee along a railroad) 377 E 1999 Matlock, Gene D., Could the Spook Light be
free-floating Life Energy?, E-Mail to obiwan@ghosts.org, USA, 31 May 1999
and downloaded from the web site
http://www.ghosts.org/ghostlights/ghostlights.html * (A theory about a
sort of "elemental energy" behind ELs) 370 E 1999 Floyd, Randall, Local Mysteries: Ghostly
Lights as Common as dew in Dixie, in "The Augusta Chronicle", North
Carolina, 7 June 1999 and downloaded from the web site
http://www.ghosts.org/ghostlights/ghostlights.html * (The Maco lights and
the Brown Mountain Light. The first one has been seen also by the US
President Cleveland in 1894) 386 E 1999 Ehlinger, Kelly, Wimberley Lights, E-Mail to
obiwan@ghosts.org, USA, 16 June 1999, and downloaded from the web site
http://www.ghosts.org/ghostlights/ghostlights.html * (Three little spheres
in Texas) 381 E 1999 Zubrovka, Spook light, E-Mail to
ghost-discuss@list.net, USA, 19 June 1999 and downloaded from the web site
http://www.ghosts.org/ghostlights/ghostlights.html * (The Senath Light,
Missouri) 236 E 1999 Coder, Kim D., Foxfire: Biolumuniscence in the
Forest, School of Forest Resources Extension, Publication FOR99-21, The
University of Georgia, August 1999 * (Bioluminescence in the
woods) 374 E 1999 Cantley, Kevin, Bigham Lights, E-Mail to
obiwan@ghosts.org, USA, 20 August 1999 and downloaded from the web site
http://www.ghosts.org/ghostlights/ghostlights.html * (Bingham's Light in
Dillon, South Carolina, USA, with side-effects on a car's
motor) 319 I 1999 Anonimo, Il fuoco fatuo della palude di
Vipiteno, one page text downloaded in September 1999 form the web site
http://.tangram.it/didakia/biblio/doimbi/leggende/testi/leggos.txt * (The
"Froscherle", a little fire in a marsh area in northern Italy) 390 E 1999 Newby Luce, Cynthia, Balls of light, in "MUFON
UFO Journal", n. 377, September 1999, p. 17 * (Some additional comments on
the "Mae de Ouro" phenomenon in Brazil) 320 I 1999 Osservazioni, scoperte e invenzioni di
Alessandro Volta e Pistole, fucili, lampade ed eudiometri, testi di
complessive pp. 4 scaricati nel settembre 1999 dai siti Internet
http://www.rel.it/como/musei/volta/scoperte.htm/ e
http://www.rel.it/como/musei/volta/scoperte.htm/ * (Discovery of swamp gas
on the Lake Maggiore, northern Italy, in 1776 by the scientist Alessandro
Volta) 321 I 1999 Libertini, Sandro, Al besalisch, in "Lo
Scarpone. Rivista del Club Alpino Italiano", anno 120, settembre
&emdash; ottobre 1999, pp. 20-25 * (The tradition of a mysterious
monster in the Valtellina region is linked with sightings of a "light" on
the nearby mountains) 378 E 1999 St. Louis Light, E-Mail to stories@ghosts.org,
USA, 11 September 1999 and downloaded from the web site
http://www.ghosts.org/ghostlights/ghostlights.html * (A EL is related to a
train accident) 371 E 1999 Miller, Natalie, Chapel Hill Light, E-Mail to
stories@ghosts.org, USA, 30 September 1999 and downloaded from the web
site http://www.ghosts.org/ghostlights/ghostlights.html * (New Age ideas
on a EL in Tennessee) 547 E 1999 Hamilton, Bill, Are There "Jack-O'-Lanterns"
on the Marsh?, in "The Sackville Tribune-Post", Canada, October 20, 1999 *
(IF/EL in Newfoundland, Canada) 376 E 1999 Senath Light (2), E-Mail to obiwan@ghosts.org,
USA, 1 November 1999 and downloaded from the web site
http://www.ghosts.org/ghostlights/ghostlights.html * (The Senath
Light) 373 E 1999 Jcaron@compusmart.ab.ca, The Ghost Lights of
St.Louis, E-Mail to stories@ghosts.org, USA, and downloaded from the web
site http://www.ghosts.org/ghostlights/ghostlights.html in November 1999 *
(A EL in a small town in Saskatchewan, Canada) 379 E 1999 Sturgeon, Wayne, Swamp Lights, E-Mail to
obiwan@ghosts.org, USA, text downloaded from the address
stories@ghosts.org, USA, at the web site
http://www.ghosts.org/ghostlights/ghostlights.html in November 1999 *
(Lights in Ontario, Canada) 383 E 1999 Surrency Spook Light, article downloaded from
an unidentified web site in November 1999 * 620 E 1999 Gamble, Steve, UFOs and Light Phenomena, in
"BUFORA Bulletin", n. 11, 1999, p. 4 * (Generalities about high-incidence
areas of EL in Britain. Some hints to "BOLIDE" group) 557 I 19?? De Bernardi, Luigi, Almanacco valtellinese e
chiavennasco, Sondrio, Edizioni riservate Credito Valtellinese, Stampa
Lito Mitta, Sondrio, no date * (Some hints to strange lights on a mount,
in Caiolo and in Berbenno, in the italian province of Sondrio) 325 E 19?? Earthlights over Yeadon?, in "UFO Brigantia"
n. 16, no date (The light phenomena in the Welsh Revival of
1905) 333 E 19?? Frizzell, Michael A., The Enigma Project (Cit.
in 266) 341 E 19?? …in "Skylook", Midwest UFO Network, Stover,
Missouri, n. 53 (Earth light in Seminole County, Florida. Cit. in
199) 349 E 19?? …, in "Publications of the Texas Folklore
Society", vol. XVIII, pp. 144-6 (Earth lights in Angelina, Bell and
Brazoria Counties, Texas. Cit. in 199) 350 E 19?? …, in "Publications of the Texas Folklore
Society", vol. XVII, pp. 118-9 (Earth lights in La Salle and McMulen
Counties, Texas. Cit. in 199) 441 E 19?? Marfa Lights, in a brochure prepared by the
Museum of the Big Bend, Sul Ross State University, Alpine, Texas. No date,
but post 1976 * (A summary of 422) 2000 316 E 2000 Teodorani, Massimo, Physics from UFO data, in
"European Journal of UFO & Abduction Studies", Southampton, Totton
Researchers of Ufology Theory and History, vol. 1, n. 1, March 2000, pp.
2-25 * (A presentation of a complete panoplia for a study of recurring
aerial anomalous phenomena) 447 E 2000 Maccabee, Bruce, Flash Photography pf
Proximate Particulate Matter, posted on the E-Mail list "UFO Research
List", March 4, 2000 * (A critical analysis of the photos of the so-called
"Orbs") 654 I 2000 Clypeus (pseud.), Leggende, in "Clypeus",
Turin, vol. 37, n. 109, April 2000, p. 19 * (Legends about "lights" in the
Turin and Novara, northern Italy, provinces) 472 I 2000 Quelle "lingue" luminescenti provocate dal gas
metano, in "Corriere Adriatico", Ancona, April 20, 2000 * (Light tongues
are seen coming out fo the Adriatic Sea) 468 I 2000 Teodorani, Massimo, Luci misteriose in cielo:
si fa strada una teoria, in "Tuttoscienze" &emdash; Supplemento
scientifico de La Stampa, Turin, May 24, 2000 * (The Author says twenty
areas of high-recurring light phenomena have been located in the world,
and two theories could account for these phenomena: piezoelectrical
effects and interaction between atmosphere and solar wind) 469 I 2000 Teodorani, Massimo, Studio di luci notturne
nel mondo con il metodo scientifico sperimentale, talk at the "8° Simposio
mondiale sugli Oggetti Volanti Non Identificati e i Fenomeni Connessi" ,
Republic of San Marino, June 3-4, 2000 * (The Author presents a full set
of instruments and goals which could be achieved with the use of
opto-electronics devices placed in light aerial phenomena high-recurring
areas) 548 D 2000 Mark Vornhusen, Das Irrlicht, document posted
on the Internet at the URL: http://members.tripod.com/~Regenbogen2/irrlicht/irrlicht.htm on July 6, 2000 * (A student of IF in Germany try to collect
testimonies) 529 I 2000 Valsaviore On Line &emdash; Tradizioni
&emdash; San Giovanni Battista, document posted on the Internet at the
URL: http://web.tiscalinet.it/valsaviore/basi/ra_tradizioni.htm#sangiovanni in June 2000 * (Some hints on strange "fires" seen over churches
up to the 19th Century in a valley of Brescia province,
Italy) 527 I 2000 Traina, Antonella, Un filò di memorie, sogni e
incubi, in "L'Arena", Verona, August 18, 2000 * (Some hints on old
memories of "le lumere", local nome for will-o'-the-wisp) 683 E 2000 Mc Coy, Max, Spook Light outwits geniuses, in
"The Joplin Journal", August 27, 2000 * (A detailed history of the Hornet
Spook Light and a failed attempt to observe it) 660 I 2000 Le leggende del Sile, document posted on the
Internet at the URL: http://www.psve.com/roncalli/02-01-b.htm on August 28, 2000 * (The remote sightings of a "fiery horsehead"
in a marshy area in the italian region of Veneto is explained as a case of
IF) 512 E 2000 Fowler, Rick, Unidentified in Saskatchewan,
document posted on the Internet at the URL: http://www.sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca/~aa711/u.html in October 2000 * (Various ELs in Saskatchewan, Canada beetwen
19th and 20th Century) 561 S 2000 Martínez, Marcias J., El relámpago del
Catatumbo o Faro de Maracaibo, document posted on the Internet at the URL:
http://www.gas-training.com/art_tecnico/relampago/relampago.htm in December 2000 * (A review of the electrical discharge known in
Venezuela as the "relampago del Catatumbo". Includes photos and an
explication in terms of interaction between idrocarbures in the soil and
atmospheric electricity) 513 E 2000 Fowler, Rick, The Mysterious Tabor Lights near
Esterhazy, Saskatchewan in 1938, document posted on the Internet in
October 2000 * (Various sources concerning a canadian EL) 528 I 2000 Mago Alex (pseud.), Genova Magica: spettri,
demoni e altri misteri, Genoa, Editore on line De Ferrari, document posted
on the Internet at the URL: http://www.ghosttour.it/periferia.html in
October 2000 * (A hint to possible IF near Genoa, Italy, in the
past) 554 E 2000 Mekong Mart - Sections "Aboun Nong Khai" and
"Nong Khai News" , documents posted on the Internet at the URL:
http://www.mekongmart.com/F0MM12.htm in October 2000 * (The so-called
"Nong Khai phantom lights" seen in Thailandia are explained as launches of
fireworks) 563 I 2000 Lollino, Gianfranco, Cross Project, in "UFO
Notiziario", CUN, n. 16, November 2000, pp. 52-56 * (A project for an
automatic monitoring station in central Italy aimed to possibile aerial
phenomena seen in confined geographical areas) 561 S 2000 García, Luis Eduardo Páez, Algunas creencias y
supersticiones de la ciudad de Ocaña, document posted on the Internet at
the URL: http://www.cocota.com/histcult/mitos.htm in December 2000 * (Various indications on "ghost lights" in
northeastern Colombian folklore) 627 E 2000 Kalwell, Gordon David, Phenomenon in
Venezuela: A documented Case of Unexplained Radiation Exposure, in
"Infinite Energy", New Hampshire, vol. 6, n. 32, 2000, p. 33 (An
unexplained light and humming in Maracaibo, Venezuela, were linked in 1886
to strange injuries on the bodies of nine people. Cit. in 626) 626 E 2000 Corliss, William, Curious Phenomenon in
Venezuela, in "Science Frontiers", n. 132, November-December 2000, p. 4 *
(An unexplained light and humming in Maracaibo, Venezuela, were linked in
1886 to strange injuries on the bodies of nine people. See also 625 and
627) 695 R 2000 Grigor'ev, A. I., Capillary electrostatic
instabilities, text in Russian, 2000, pp. 37-43, on line at the URL:
http://www.issep.rssi.ru/pdf/0006_037.pdf * (Saint Elmo's Fires) 622 I 2001 Toselli, Paolo, Strani bagliori nella notte,
in "Focus Extra &emdash; Numero Speciale", n. 4, Winter 2001, pp.
94-98 * (Generalities about EL, IF, BL, Hessdalen, etc.) 624 I 2001 Felici, Maria Luisi, Alla scoperta dei fuochi
di Sant'Elmo, in "Il Giornale dei Misteri", Florence, Tedeschi, n. 351,
January 2001, pp. 25-26 * (Generalities about IF) 661 E 2001 Carr, Philip, Riddle of the Orbs, in "Fortean
Times", n. 144, March 2001, pp. 30-32 * (Strange balls of light are being
captured on film by paranormal enthusiasts around the world. But possibly
they are simply a fault caused by the latest cameras) 687 E 2001 Doerter, James, UFO Experiences and Anomalies
Reported by Forest Fire Lookouts and Forest Workers, Presented to U.S.F.S
officials - March 15, 2001, Private publication, United States (The
Tacoma, Washington, phenomena) 663 I 2001 Teodorani, Massimo, I fenomeni luminosi
anormali e la scienza, talk at the "9° Simposio mondiale sugli Oggetti
Volanti Non Identificati e i Fenomeni Connessi", Republic of San Marino,
March 17-18, 2001 * (The Author presents a panorama of diffrent areas in
which alleged reiterated luminous phenomena are seen, with a special
emphasis on the so-called "lights of Ontario") 684 E 2001 Deanno, Paul, Marfa Lights Mystery, in
"Eyewitness News", KENS 5 &emdash; TV, San Antonio, Texas, 5 May, 2001
* (A report on the attempts to study the "Marfa Lights" by some "MENSA"
association members) 685 E 2001 Dabaev, Valery, The Ulan-Ude Lights, in
"Fate", vol. 54, n. 5, May 2001, * (Groups ob "balls of light" seen in a
Siberian city between June and December 1994 are seen as "psychic"
phenomena) 693 I 2001 Veneziano, G., I misteri della Bisalta, in
"Circolare Associazione Ligure per lo Sviluppo degli Studi
Archeoastronomici", n. 1, May 2001, on line at the URL: http://www.archaeoastronomy.it/1_circolare_alssa.html * (Mount Bisalta, near Mondovì, Piedmont, Italy, was allegedly a
sacred mountain. Geomagnetic anomalies are said to had been localized in
the area. Lightning balls, thunderbolts from a clear sky and other
luminous phenomena are said to occur frequently on Mount Bisalta. A local
"scientific investigation" group presents a long list of alleged "UFOs"
sighted in the area) 688 I 2001 Cosentino, Antonio, Il mistero dei globi di
luce: quando gli UFO volteggiavano nel cielo di Cuasso al Monte, in "La
Prealpina", Varese, Italy, 30 May 2001 (A journalist alleges that the
Hessdalen phenomena are similar to a series of sightings in the Valceresio
area of Lombardia, Italy, during which strange "lights" were said to
interact with a "psychic) 692 I 2001 La Bisalta: montagna sacra, cara agli UFO, in
"Provincia Granda - Gazzetta di Mondovì", Piedmont, Italy, 1st
June 2001 * (Strange explosions, lights, "UFOs" and geomagnetic anomalies
are said to occur or are said to be seen in the last decades on Mount
Bisalta, a mount allegedly "sacred" to ancient local
inhabitants) 690 E 2001 Golub, Rob, Rob on the Road: UFO haunt at
Dundee Mountain, in "The Journal Times", Racine, Wisconsin, June 4, 2001 *
(Strange lights are said to be frequently seen on a hill-top near Racine,
Wisconsin, but skeptics explains they are just lights planes) 691 E 2001 McKeown, Bill, An Eye on the Sky, in "The
Gazette", Colorado Springs, Colorado, 11 June 2001 * (Strange lights and
"aircraft" are said to be spotted in the San Luis Valley, Colorado,
area) 694 E 2001 Prevenslik, T. V., (2001, July).
Thunderclouds, St. Elmo's fire, and ball lightning, Paper presented at the
XXV International Conference on phenomena in ionized gases, Nagoya, Japan,
July 2001, online at the URL: http://www.icpig01.nuqe.nagoya-u.ac.jp/paper/Prevenslik.pdf * (Saint Elmo's Fires) 703 E 2001 Group Says it will find cause for Brown
Mountain Lights, Associated Press dispatch, 2 July 2001 * (An Asheville,
North Carolina "paranormal" reasearch group, launches a new effort to
study the Brown Mountain EL and says the phenomenon has been catched on
film) 709 E 2001 Boyle, John, Mysterious lights mean big
business, in "Citizen-Times", Asheville, North Carolina, 9 July 2001 * (An
Asheville, north Carolina, "paranormal" research group and its studies
about the Brown Mountain EL) 696 E 2001 Rowlett, Curtis, The Surrency spook light, in
"Strange Magazine", no month, 2001 * (A theory about a strange geological
depot under the area of the Macon, Georgia, "spooklight") 712 I 2001 Albicini, Roberto, La vita di San Pellegrino
dell'Alpe, in "Atti e memorie &emdash; Deputazione di Storia Patria
per le antiche Province Modenesi", serie XI, vol. XXIII, 2001, pp. 45-60 *
(Some references to IF and other endogenous geological phenomena in a
mountain area in northern Italy) 713 I 2001 Le luci di Hessdalen sull'Appennino, in "Il
Resto del Carlino", Bologna, Italy, 29 August 2001, p. 17 * (According to
a ufological group strange lights could be seen on the Sibillini
Mountains, in central Italy) 714 I 2001 Luci misteriose sui monti Sibillini, in "Il
Resto del Carlino", Ascoli Piceno local eidtion, 29 August 2001, p. I *
(According to a ufological group strange lights could be seen on the
Sibillini Mountains, in central Italy) 723 I 2001 Le luci di Marfa, in "Tuttolibri", supplemento
settimanale a "La Stampa", Turin, Italy, 8 September 2001, p. 7 * (A short
presentation of Marfa Lights) 727 E 2001Brown-Meredith, Barbara, Bayfield science class
works to solve mystery, in "The Daily Press", Ashland, Wisconsin, 10
December 2001 * (A phenomenon referred to as the Paulding Lights takes
place every evening shortly after dusk in the small community of Paulding,
Michigan, near Watersmeet) 555 E 2001 Coleman, Loren, Mysterious America: The
Revised Edition, New York, Paraview Press, 2001 (A new edition of entry
232, with an "Appendix" about "Spook
565 E 1971 Sharp, Alan W., The New
Ufology &emdash; A critique, in "Merseyside UFO Bulletin", England,
vol. 4, n. 5, December 1971, pp. 62-63 * (The
Author says he saw more than a time IF, and relates it to "superstions"
concerning the "little people")
Transfer interrupted!
Mountain, North Carolina, "lights")
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